14. I hate you

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When we reached our destination, Chan Woo walked around and opened the car door for me, "Thank you," I told him while he offered to help me get out of the car by holding his hand, which I gladly accepted. 'He might be the one for me,'

We walked in and a waiter came up to us, "Table for 2, right this way," He then guided us to a table and handed us the menu, "Thank you," Chan Woo said while I just smiled happily at the man,

"What would you like?" Chan Woo asked me, "I'll just have what you're having," I told him with a smile, "You sure?" He asked me, "Positive,"

After a while the waiter came back, "Shall I take your order?" He asked us, "Yes, um could we have some Kimchi, bibimbap and japchae please," Chan Woo said, "And for you?" He asked me, "Oh, I'll just have the same thanks," He then took our menus and left the table,

"What drink do you want and I will go and get some," Chan Woo asked me, "Oh, I'll just have a water, thanks," He then nodded and went to get the drinks. Just as he left I got a text from Ji Hee,

(All messages from Ji Hee are in bold)

'How's the date going? X'

'It's going great, he's a nice guy, x'

'Good, text me when you're heading back, love youuuuu xx'

I just smiled at the message then turned my phone off as I could see Chan Woo approaching with drinks, "For you," He said then sat a glass of water with ice cubes inside and a lemon on the outer rim of the glass,

"Thank you," I told him, we then had a chat as we waited for the food to arrive,


After I was finished texting Ha Na I decided to check for movies for the rest of us too watch, "What shall we watch?" I asked everyone, "Let's watch a sad movie," Jimin spoke,

"You just want an excuse to cry because your sad that Ha Na is on a date," Ji Soo told him with a cheeky grin, "What! No it's not!" Jimin started to get very offended by what Ji Soo said, which made us all just laugh at them,

"Whatever you say a chim chim," Ji Soo then padded his head like he was a dog, it was very funny,

"Let's watch an English movie called the notebook," I said to them and they all just nodded, "I'll put the subtitles on, don't worry," I seen everyone calm down a bit when I said that,

Everyone then began chatting, "It's starting," I said and they all turned towards the TV,

Soon enough the movie ended and I was in tears, "Um, are you okay?" Jin asked me, "Oh, yes," I sniffled then picked up my phone because it pinged,

"HA NA IS ON HER WAY BACK!" I shouted all of the sudden. I couldn't help but shout it, my best friend is coming back from a date with one of the most popular boys in our school, who wouldn't be excited?

I heard the front door open then shut and I ran to it, "Spill," I said as soon as she saw me standing there, "It was so nice," She told me as we started walking to the kitchen, we got a glass of water then went into the living, "How was it Ha Na?" Jungkook asked her,


"It was nice, he's such a nice person," I started, "In Fact, he told me he'd like to go out again," Everybody just started to say that that was good and that they were happy for me, but one person wasn't speaking,


The one I wanted to hear from the most,

'Wait, what am I saying? I don't like him,'

"Ha Na!" Ji Hee said, pulling me out of day dream, "We're all going to head off now," "Ok, bye," I told her and showed them all to the door,

"Come Jimin?" Taehyung asked him, "I'm crashing here for a while," He told him, "Okay, call ya later," Everyone then left and Ji Soo went up stairs, which left just Jimin and I,

"Are you okay?" I asked him, "Yes," He said, he was acting very dry, "Come on, tell me what's wrong," I asked, "I said nothing!" He shouted,

I was taken back by his sudden outburst, "Fine," I said then stormed out of the living room and up the stairs,

When I got up, I closed my door then locked it,

After a while I could hear Jimin coming up the stairs, when he went into his room he slammed his door shut. But with such force that the picture of my mum and dad fell off my bedside table,

"No,no,no No!" I ran over to it and started to pick up the glass, the tears streaming down my face,

Jimin came in and when he saw the scene he ran over, "What happened?!" He asked, acting like this wasn't his fault, "You slammed your door and it fell," I told him while crying, "I'll help," He started to pick up the pieces of broken glass, "Leave it," I told him but he just ignored me, "I SAID LEAVE IT!" I shouted at him,

He then just dropped the glass onto the floor and walked out, making sure to slam my door even more than his,

Just as I was starting to like him, he does this.

"I hate you park Jimin,"


Thank you for reading!

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