13. Driving away

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I woke up and got a shower. When I was done that I dried my hair which made it have beach waves and I did some natural make up. I got changed into some black jeans and a grey hoodie. I went down stairs and started on breakfast,

After a while, Jimin and Ji Soo came down talking, I guess Jimin told Ji Soo. "Is breakfast ready?" Ji Soo asked me, "Um, what does it look like?" I said back, 'hmm, I'm in a bad mood?' I questioned, "Thank you," Jimin said as I set the plate down in front of him,

They were both ready and when we had finished we all brushed our teeth, grabbed our stuff, then left. Ji Soo got picked up and Jimin and I walked to school, "What's wrong?" Jimin asked me, "Nothing," I shrugged, "Oh Come on, something is obviously wrong Ha Na," He tried to get the answer out of me,

"I'm just in a bad mood," I told him, he then started to rub up and down my back, "You're probably just stressed with everything coming up," He told me, "Yeah, exams are starting in around 2 months," We then started to have a normal conversation until we reached school,

Everyone gave us weird looks as we walked into school together. We walked to the lockers where everyone else was already standing, I was about to start speaking when a boy in our year came up to me, "Ha Na," He started,

"Yes?" I asked politely while turning completely around to face him, "I was wondering if you would maybe, accompany me on a date, this Friday," He asked me while blushing, "Sure," I told him and he blushed, "Oh, can I put my number on your phone?" He asked me, "Yes," I handed him my phone and he put his number in,

"Thanks," He said and walked back to his friends who were silently watching from a far. I decided to see what he saved his name as,

Chan Woo💞

I just smiled at the name then closed my phone. "What did he want?" Ji Hee asked me, everyone's attention was now on me. "He just asked me on a date," I told her, she then gasped, "Ha Na!" She said, "What?" I asked confused, "He's part of the second most popular group of boys in the school," She told me, "Oh he is? I didn't know," I told her,

"AH! What day?" She then asked me, "Friday," I told her, "Okay, well we are all going to your house on Friday after school, and we will wait there until you are back home," She told me, "Sure," I said and shrugged. Just then the bell went and we all headed to our separate classes,


Today was Friday and I'm in my house getting ready for my date. Over the last couple of days Chan Woo and I have been talking and gotten a lot closer. So now, I'm actually quite nervous,

I finished my smokey eye and dark lips. He told me to dress formal. I decided to put on my black dress and black heels and did my hair into ringlets and put it half up, half down.

I'm not one to brag about myself, but I do look pretty. I walked out of the bathroom and Ji Hee was waiting there for me. "Oh my god Ha Na! You look stunning!" She then hugged me and told me to walk down stairs,

I ran in and grabbed my phone then made my way down stairs. All the boys turned to me and their jaws literally dropped to the floor, "Ha Na, you look gorgeous!" Hoseok told me, "Awk, thank you," I told him and nodded my head,

Everyone else just complimented me and I thank them of course. But, Jimin didn't even say one word, he just sat there, on the seat, on his phone, not speaking, not even looking up.

I was kind of sad at that but I'm not going to let it ruin my night.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard a car pull up outside, "He's here!" Ji Hee shouted, I just laughed at her, "You're more excited than me," I told her while laughing,

"Go, go, go," She then pushed me out of the door and closed it behind her,

"You look beautiful," Chan Woo said while opening the passenger door for me. When he got in I spoke up as well, "You don't look to bad yourself," He then drove off.


And at that moment I saw my princess, drive off with another man.


Thank you all so much for reading! This was a short chapter but more longer chapters coming soon!

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