3. Party

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It was now Saturday and I was doing my make up for the party, Ji Hee said to do my make up as all of the other girls do aswell. I decided that I should do full face because what's the point of going to a party and not doing your best make up?

Well anyway, "Ha Na, you might even get a boyfriend!" Ji Hee wiggled her eyebrows at me,

"What!? Haha no no no no, I'm not looking to date anyone just yet, I've been in school for almost a full week, I do not need a relationship yet," I said seriously, "I heard Jungkook will be there. I heard you and him would flash a smile to each other, maybe you'll start to flash your-" but I cut her off, "JI HEE! SHUT UP!" I shouted and slapped her arm lightly while the both of us laughed,

"Oh crap! It's 6:30 the party starts at 7, are you ready to leave?" She shouted to me while grabbing her shoes, "Yep, just putting my shoes on," I said while sitting on the edge of the bath trying to put my heels on,

I'm wearing a tight black dress with black heels, it's a really gorgeous outfit, Ji Hee also said that all of the girls wear these types of outfits so Her and I are wearing them too, I'm just trying to fit in to be honest, Ji Hee was wearing a tight hot pink dress with sparkly heels, after all the party was sort of like a night club only in someone's house,

We lifted our phones and headed out of the door to the party, Ji Hee had got her big brother to bring us there. I'm not planning on drinking a lot tonight as I know that Ji Hee will need someone to look over her with careful eyes,

We reached the party and got out of the car, and like Ji Hee said, all the girls were wearing tight dresses and heels, 'Ji Hee and I look the best,' I thought. When we walked in I began to search for Jungkook as he told me to come and say hi if I saw him,

I walked around the party but in the process I lost Ji Hee, I think she went with her other friends, but now I'm alone. I just stood at the side awkwardly waiting for some one I knew to walk past, but no one did. Just as I was about to call Ji Hee and tell her I'm going home Jungkook saw me and waved his hand in a way to say, Come over here.

I smiled and began walking over. As soon as I got close enough I seen the whole squad of boys were there and Jimin. I honestly like the other boys, but I hate Jimin because he hates me,

"Looking good Ha Na," J-Hope elbow nudge me, I just smiled at him, "Thanks, you're not to bad yourself," I told him,

Jimin just scoffed, 'What's his problem?' I just glared at him then turned to Jungkook, "I really must get going because I lost Ji Hee and I need her for my ride back home, plus when she's drunk apparently she does some stupid stuff," I laughed and was about to walk off when Jungkook grabbed the top of arm.

"No, don't, stay here, look I see her over there," He then pointed in the distants and there she was standing having a drink with her other friends, "Oh, alright, I'll stay then,"

"So Ha Na, How are you finding school?" Jin asked me, "It's actually not as bad as I thought," I told him honestly, "Good to hear, want to grab a drink?" He offered, "Sure, let's go," I smiled and Him and I made our way to the drinks table,

"What would you like?" He asked me, "Oh, I don't mind, I'll have what you're having," I told him as I've never really had a proper drink before, "I'm just having WKD, you want some?" He asked, "Sure," He then handed me one and I thanked him,

We walked back over to the boys and I excused myself and walked over to Ji Hee, "Ha Na! Hi!" She slurred over the music,

"Come and meet my noo fwiends," She dragged me over to meet them, I just stood there awkwardly while the boys laughed at me from the other side of the room. I flipped them off then laughed, everyone was laughing except from Jimin, 'What's his problem?' I thought but shook the feeling off as some one pulled me away just as one of Ji Hee's friends, that were a boy, started to take my waist.

I turned around and saw Taehyung, "For the record, I don't like you, I was just trying to keep that guy away," He then walked off, 'Why do the boys except for Jin and Jungkook hate me?!' I just scoffed, but Jimin came over, "Hey Ha Na! Pull your dress down you Slut!" He shouted, everyone then looked towards, "Yeah Ha Na! I can basically see your bum!" Taehyung shouted,

Everyone then erupted into laughter. I just stood there, my eyes started to get cloudy from the embarrassment I felt,

I then ran out of the room, but I didn't stop then, I ran all the way home which was a good 10 miles from the house,

I got in and ran up to my room ignoring the calls from the mum, I just locked the door and went into the bathroom, I ran a bath and took off all of my make up and my outfit. My phone kept on ringing but I ended up putting it on silent and I got into the bath. I just lay there relaxing and scrolling through and opening my snap chats, a few from my friends back in my old school.

A while passed and before I became a prune I decided to get out. I got into my favourite pyjamas then got into bed. It was Saturday so no school tomorrow!

I fell asleep soon after and ended up staying bed all Saturday and Sunday aswell,

But soon the dreaded day came. Monday. I dragged myself out of bed and picked out my outfit, I was wearing blue high waisted jeans, a flowery crop top that was tight and a grey denim jacket. I thought this outfit was nice. I then put my hair in a high messy pony tail and put on my white super stars. I then put some foundation and did mascara then went downstairs for breakfast.

I went down and made myself pancakes then went up brushed my teeth then grabbed my phone and school bag and walked to school. When I made it to the school gates some people were staring but not everyone so I just walked on with my head held high. I got to class early and sat down on the same seat I always sit in for this class.

Just as I was going through my phone the door opened and in came 7 boys entered. The 7 boys I hoped wouldn't come in today. They walked in and all stared at me, I just looked away and went back on my phone. All of the sudden they all crowded around my table.

"You're lucky I didn't hurt you on Friday," He stated, I just slowly turned my head to him and stayed with a straight face, "You don't scare me," I told him with a cold voice, they all just stared at me in shock at what I just said, "But you soon will," Jungkook said, "But I won't," I told him, "But you will," Said Suga,

"Uh, just go away," I said and went back on my phone, all of the sudden someone grabbed my phone and threw it onto the floor, I could tell it was smashed, "HEY!" I shouted and went to grab it but some one kicked my side so I fell back and hit my head off of the wall,

"You won't get scared?" Jimin smirked, "No," I said to him while smiling,

He then slapped me around the face, all the boys pulled him back as they new that they should never hit a girl, "Jimin!" They all shouted,

"No, I'm okay, he's just sad because I'm the only girl in this school that isn't drooling over him," I then turned to him, "Don't take it to heart Mr Bad Boy,"


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