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~this one's going back to earth ehehehe... enjoy - lokikatie~

Steve's POV

"Get it together!" Fury yells, slamming his fist on the table.

"Fury, he's improved.  He hasn't done anything wrong for two months!" Natasha yells. I sit at the table, looking at the scars on my arms.

"I don't care, I haven't seen improvement from the therapy!" Fury snaps. Nat looks at him, anger in her eyes.

"I haven't been going to therapy, Fury. It doesn't work," I say.

"Whatever. We need you to be working on your physique..." Nick Fury trails off. Nat stands up, making me stand up. We've been together for a while now. We go to Stark Tower, since everyone has started living there.

Pepper is making something in the kitchen, Tony is probably in the lab.

"So, How'd it go with Nick?" Pepper asks, tossing salad.

"Not good, and suspicious as always. Apparently, we need to be working on our physique," I say. Nat tosses me a can of coke, opening one herself. Tony comes upstairs, covered in various workshop filth.

"Where's Bruce?" he asks. Pepper points to the entertainment room. Tony nods and gives her a quick hug before dashing off.

"So, what's new?" Nat says.

"I'm just waiting for you-know-who to send the you-know-what," Pepper says, handing me a bowl of pasta.

"You don't have to do that, I'm over it," I say. I know that they are talking about the wedding for Katie and Loki. "Seriously, I have a girlfriend."

Nat smiles at me and ruffles my hair. "I love you too, Cap!"


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Princess of Frost- Book Two of The Asgardian Avenger (Loki/ Avengers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now