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Please read the author's note at the end, there is an important part in it!

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Katie's POV

Immediately after the wedding, Frigga rushes me away to prepare for the reception saying "It's traditional!"

She whisks off my dress, puts it away, and pulls out an emerald green dress with a gold ribbon around the waist.

"The royal family is going to match, you and Loki in emerald, the rest of us in gold!" she says, proud of her idea.

Frigga fixes my whitish blonde hair into a braid, applies fresh makeup, and polishes and adjusts  my crown. Then, she smiles at me and sits down, obviously exhausted. I plop down next to her on the small red sofa, slipping on golden ballet flats.

"Take it easy, Frigga. We'll be okay," I say.

"Oh dear, I know, I just don't want anything to stop your happy evening," she replies, worry in her voice.

"Save the energy for our coronation," I smile. She laughs.

"Are you ready?" she asks.

"For what? The reception?" I say, confused. I was born ready.

"No, for royal life, for married life, for children," she states.

Children. Oh dear.

"The best I can say is that I will take it in stride," I answer. "I mean, I don't even have a honeymoon plan, so I hope Loki does."

Frigga smiles knowingly. "He does."

"Don't give it away now. Especially if it's a surprise!"

"Do you think the men are ready? Waiting is awful," Frigga says, not so stealthily changing the subject.

I stand up, smoothing the skirt of the dark green dress. "I guess we will see."


The courtyard is lavishly decorated with floating gold lights and emerald ribbons everywhere. People chat with each other, exchanging gossip. Then they all gasp and clap at me. Frigga holds my hand, excited.

"Sif didn't want me to help with her reception, that's why I'm so excitable," Frigga informs me, clutching my hand tighter.

Finally, i break away from Frigga's grasp and rush into the crowd to find even someone helpful, preferably my elusive husband.  People congratulate me, shake my hand, hug me, and one lady even had me kiss her baby.

Finally I catch sight of Thor, who is wearing gold armor that Frigga said that he would be wearing, and I have to say, he should stick with his normal armor.

"Congratulations, dear sister!" he booms happily, clapping my shoulder.

Sister in law, Thor. Sister in law.

"Thank you, Thor. Have you by any chance seen my husband?" I ask, twiddling my thumbs awkwardly and nervously.

Thor grins a ridiculously happy smile. "He is coming! He just has to... check on something!"

Wow. Am I the only one who doesn't know? I nod and walk away from Thor.

Sif walks up to me, Janey wrapped in a golden blanket in her arms. Sif has a beautiful glow about her, making her look gorgeous. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you! And, I don't want this to come off as fake, but you look beautiful tonight!"

"Thank you! I'm excited that Janey has an aunt!" she says, tickling the adorable bundle.

Princess of Frost- Book Two of The Asgardian Avenger (Loki/ Avengers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now