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Katie's POV

As we walk into the crowded warm dining hall, Frigga rushes up to me and hands me a pair of blue jewel encrusted gloves. I slip them onto my cold hands, watching the crystals sparkle. I meet multitudes of new people from all around the Nine Realms. Some even congratulate me on my engagement. After being turned and twisted to meet new people, we are all seated at the long table.

"Thank you all for gracing us with your presence and congratulations on makinf it through the year with happiness. May the ice always remind you of life!" Odin says, standing at the head of the table. Men shout their agreement, and I know from the looks of them that they are here for Thor. Loki rests his hand on my thigh and I place my gloved one on top of his.

Then, the food starts to appear and everyone digs in, piling tons of various meats. I don't feel hungry, though. Strange, I always eat something. I sit, laughing along with strangers' witty remarks.

After the eating,  the dancing begins. Loki leads me in a graceful waltz to the sound of the beautiful Asgardian music. I admire his ease of step in time with the music. A man tries to cut in, but suddenly the music speads up, and I am being swirled through the air. At one point, I fly high into the air, landing in Loki's strong arms. The dance is fast and surprisingly relaxing. We dance late into the night, until everyone else has left.

Loki and I are the only ones in the ballroom, the music long stopped.

"I would keep dancing, but we don't have any music," he sighs, wrapping his arms around me. I glance over at the shiny black grand piano.

"I play," I whisper, breaking away. I walk to the piano, remembering the years when Coulson insisted I learn an instrument. I sit myself on the glossy bench and look at the ivory keys. "Do you have a request?"

Loki shakes his head no, so I run through my list of songs. I finally settle on a song I wrote titled "Winter's Palace."

I play the notes fervently, memories rushing back.

Don't forget to practice! Coulson says.

Trust me, you'll be alright.

They will love it, I promise.

The melody crescendos,  and I know that once I start, there's no stopping. The words spill out of my mouth.

Winter's Palace
Keep me safe
Winter's Palace
Keep me alive
Always there
In no where
I'll come when the tears run cold
Winter's Palace
Show me the frost
Winter's Palace
All is not lost

When I see the tears upon your face,
I want to help, to finish this race.
When I see your pain,
I will feel it with you.

The words have no rhythm, but they fit perfectly with the notes on the piano. I play on and on, tears falling off my face.

As the melodies slow down, I feel less pressure. I feel light. The last note sounds, echoing through the ballroom.

I close my eyes and breathe in deeply. Loki helps me up and closes me in his loving, gentle embrace. I wrap my arms around his neck, looking at his jade eyes.

"Beautiful," he whispers, placing his lips on mine. I feel a burning sense of happiness wrapped in the scent and cold of Loki. I never want to let go.

I lose track of everything, and before I know it, I'm wrapped in my cloak tucked snugly in my bed.

"Don't go," I whisper. I feel him slide next to me and I bury my face in his neck, drifting off into a serene, blank sleep.


Steve's POV

When I wake up, I feel achy and tense. I stumble around until I'm in my bathroom, steadying myself with the black countertop. I look in the mirror, seeing a sweaty face with dark circles underneath the eyes. My blonde hair is all over.

I splash cold water on my face, wanting to cut, which is a feeling I haven't had for a while. You're not going to add one more scar, I tell myself.

If only she hadn't been chosen by him, if only they didn't let her go. She would be here, helping me when I'm like this, not causing this with the nightmares. I walk out of the bathroom, dropping onto my bed. Don't worry about her, Steve. You have Nat. Just go to sleep.

I eventually fall into an awful sleep punctuated by nightmares.


As you can tell, Steve's not handling this well, but Loki and Katie seem happy! First one to comment gets a dedication!

Princess of Frost- Book Two of The Asgardian Avenger (Loki/ Avengers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now