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Frigga's POV - Asgard

"Odin, I do not care if they are not married, she is sick! I know well enough she is not carrying a baby, and she never eats. Her hair is limp and white, and I can see her ribs! I consulted the Doctresses,  and they say the aging has no correlation with this!" I ramble, pacing and rubbing my temples.

"I cannot help what Loki does to her," Odin states, even though inside I know his heart is breaking. I scowl at him, stalking off to find Katie. Eventually,  I find her out in the cold, wrapped in her black cloak. I nestle down by her.

"Are you okay?" I whisper. Katie looks up, her face sunken in and her eyes ringed with purple.

"I wish I was," she whispers in reply. Her hands are covered by the blue gloves, and her engagement ring sits on her finger. She notices me staring at it.

"My hands have turned blue, I thought you would want to know," she whispers, wiggling the ring. She closes her eyes. I feel terrible, knowing my son was the cause of this.

"Just stay strong, love. I will help you," I say, trying to sooth her. She looks at me again, tears building in her eyes.

"I appreciate that,  but I know you can't fix this," she whispers, her voice cracking on the last syllable. Katie pulls off the gloves, and I see that her hands really are blue and lined with Jotun marks, like Loki. She sets them on the cobblestones.  Frost immediately covers the entire walkway.

"I thought I could control it,  but whatever I touch freezes. I can't hold a spoon without it coating itself in this ice," she cries. "The blue is spreading, my arms are nearly completely changed!"

"I hope you know that I love you. I always will, even if you turn bluer than blue. Even if Loki breaks your heart. But he won't. "

"How do you know?" I can see her skull through her skin.

"You were his first love. Everyone was always scared of him. You made him feel okay, like he wasn't the only one. Loki will probably be angry I told you this, but you were his first kiss." The tears have gone from her face, and I see an almost smile.

"I... thank you, Frigga. I love you too." she says. She stands up, allowing me to see her tall, malnourished figure. Katie really is beautiful. I stand up,  walking to the palace. I can tell she hasn't been inside for a long time, because ice coats the bottom of her cloak.

As she walks inside, I can see her eyes widen at the floor. I glance down. The frost swirls out from her bare feet, which are also starting to blue. She looks at me, fear in her eyes. I immediately run to her room and grab a pair of beautiful black boots with silver and blue stitching. She pulls them on, then looks at me and dissappears, leaving the small patterns of ice on the ground.

I walk to the kitchen, requesting a cup of cocoa. She is losing her sense of security. And weight, which reminds me that I have to get new dresses. I thank the cook for the cocoa and rush to the village seamstress.


Midgard - Thor's POV

The battle is done, the heroes have won. Loki has been silent, but just in case, I have slipped a muff over his mouth and wrapped his hands in chains. The Avengers and I stand in the city of New York, surrounded by Chitauri wreckage.

"Tell Katie that I love her," Lady Natasha says. Everyone else asks the same and I nod. It is better, I think, to not tell them of her current disposition.

"Goodbye, Thor," Steve tells me. He is the most broken about Katie. I nod and turn to face Loki with the Tesseract in hand. He grabs it, amd together, we teleport to Asgard.

We stand in the frost covered courtyard. My mother sees us and runs to hug me. Katie appears in the courtyard, I guess to see if everything is all right. I frown, seeing her sunken in face. She has gloves and boots on, and her hair is white. She looks horrificly sad. Katie nods towards me, but when she sees Loki, her face falls. She straightens her posture, not looking him in the eye. Odin orders guards to take him away. Katie watches as he walks away, staring at the guards. She promptly turns away, teleporting to most likely her room. I walk up to my mother.

"She is worse, Mother. What happened?" I ask. She looks up at me.

"The blue, it is taking over. It covers her arms and feet, and she can't stop the frost. Do not tell Loki, I will fix this."

"Okay,  Mother.  I need to see Sif and Janey." I turn to walk to our section of the palace. Not too soon, I see the happy face of my sweet daughter, and the considerably more tired one of my wife.

"I missed you both!" I smile, hugging them tightly.


So, Thor and Loki are back!!! What will happen between Katie and Loki? She's still wearing the ring, so that's good,  right?!?! Love y'all - lokikatie

Princess of Frost- Book Two of The Asgardian Avenger (Loki/ Avengers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now