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Loki's POV

I knew that she would end up in a different reality, but I didn't know that she would completely dissappear.

Thor runs his hands through his hair repeatedly. Katie is like a sister to him.

Odin and Frigga look completely pale, Frigga pacing back and forth.

And I am utterly unsure of what is to happen.

My mind races through everything, every thought she shared with me, every experience we have had, even things to come.

Things slow down as I remember her locked in the glass case beside me, showing her the frost giant inside me.

Her fire, her ice, her flying, her teleporting.

Her flaws even seem perfect now that I can't see her.

Sadness fills me with a burning, aching truth and time slowing pain.

Minutes pass like hours.

With each moment I grow sicker and sicker.

So this is what it is like to lose your other half.

Now I know what she went through when I left; the pain, sadness, and unknowing.

Hope is still scattered among my feelings, I hope she will return.

It's also tearing me apart.

Is it even possible to hurt so soon after a loved one leaves?

I'm a monster

who needs someone to love.


Katie's POV

The pair seems like they've been expecting me for far too long. My grip tightens on the handle of the sword.

A loud shrieking sound fills the room, and the duo's faces turn black and terrifying. Long, wicked looking swords appear in their hands and they take position to fight.

I strike first, slicing a long cut through Ghost-Odin's chestplate. Golden blood drips from the wound.

My heart beats loud and staccato and my hands are moist. The Frigga figure lunges, cutting open my cheek. The blood comes fast.

The fighting continues as I pant, becoming increasingly tired. Luckily, I land a strong, viscious slice straight through Odin's stomach. The ghost dissolves into black and gold dust.

Unluckily, I have to take care of Frigga, who is a much better fighter. We swing at each other relentlessly, blocking each other's movements in horrific harmony.

My shoulders ache and blood soaks the upper piece of my dress. I sweat all over, but Ghost Frigga, from her faceless figure, looks undaunted. No obvious weaknesses appear to me, frightening me.

Suddenly, time slows and I see her weakness. From her right shoulder to just under the left side of her rib cage is unguarded. Hopefully, since it is a ghost, it doesn't have bones.

I breath in a pattern, helping me time the strike. This is the moment where everything counts. If I miss this, it might be the end.

But, it won't be the end. Not today.

Just as I strike through her, she gets her last minute blow. The hilt of her blade smashes into my side, ripping the skin and shattering some of my ribs.

I fall to the ground, my head spinning. My breath gets short and ragged, and blood pools all around me. My hands are pressed to the sticky wound, and everything throbs. Is this the end?

The last thing I see is Ghost Frigga melting away. Then, everything blurs and the room goes black.


Hello, darlings!
I hope you are enjoying this so far! To remind you of some important notes:

- Katie and Loki are still engaged

- The Avengers are pissed at Loki

- Steve may or may not still have feelings for our lovely ice princess

- Katie is obviously very hurt, but I promise she won't die

- There will be a third book to this, I haven't got a name because this one is still in the works

- You will like some parts to come! ;)

I love you all and am very grateful for your support!

Please vote and comment and refrain from destroying New York!!!

You can destroy Jötunheim!

Schawarma is good if you just saved the world!

Lots of Loki Love-


Princess of Frost- Book Two of The Asgardian Avenger (Loki/ Avengers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now