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Katie's POV

"Do you like this dress or this one?" Frigga asks, holding up two baby dresses. One is a soft, pink dress, and the other is a white, silky dress with a bow at the waist. The white one seems more like what my child would wear. This baby is coming soon, I tell myself. Nine months is a really long time when the entire Nine Realms is waiting for the new little princess to arrive, even longer with my queen duties.

"The white one," I nod, feeling the little girl's kicks inside me. "She's kicking, do you want to feel?"

She shakes her head in affirmation, placing her hands on my swollen stomach. Frigga's face lights up in pure glee, illuminated by the sunlight coming from the enormous windows. I glance over at the painting of Loki and I, a smile on my lips.

"It's so precious, " she smiles. Loki walks in, a little box carefully grasped in his arms, grinning at the sight of his pregnant wife and mother choosing dresses for his soon to be daughter.

"Oh, Loki, did you get the shoes?" Frigga says, snapping up to face him.

"Yes, mother. And how are you, dear?" he says, kissing me on the nose. Loki is wearing a black shirt with black slacks, and light armor, along with his crown.

"Light headed, sick, and tired. And you?" I say, not expressing exactly how bad I am actually feeling.

"As tired as you, and maybe slightly happier than I should be."

Sif slips in, brushing right past Loki and grabbing my hand. "How are you, darling? Do you need food?"

"Of course I need food, I'm with child," I grin. "And tea. And perhaps the chance to have this baby already. Expecting is wonderful until you feel bigger than a mountain and sicker than a dog."

Sif snaps her fingers at a maid, who nods knowingly and dissappears to get the food. Sif has been one of my closest companions, counseling me through the rough parts of my pregnancy. Unfortunately, the rough parts have been more numerous than the good parts.

"Thor and Janey haven't managed to stop breaking things, that's why I'm so frazzled," Sif says, plopping down next to me on the red, velvet couch. She places her hand gently on my stomach, smiling slightly at the gentle kicks of the little girl.

"Just wait until there are two little terrors running about Asgard. That's when the true trouble begins," Frigga smiles, looking at Loki, who in turn, smirks. He nods, remembering his troublesome childhood with Thor.

"Ah, the joys of motherhood," Loki laughs.

"When were you a mother?" Frigga asks, rolling her eyes.

The maid returns with the food and tea, which I drink quickly. Then, I feel a feeling that something big is happening.

"Oh, well if it's not too much of a bother, this baby is coming and I'd rather not have her here!" I shriek. Pandemonium breaks loose as Frigga and Loki take either of my hands and rush me to the doctor.

Nurses prepare a bed quickly, laying me down and comforting me. The nurses rush around with different medicines and materials. Pain floods through me, mixed with uncertainty. I'm going to be okay, I tell myself unsurely.

"Breathe, and push." the doctor commands. "Oh dear."

Panic runs through me, causing sharp intakes of breath.

"What?!"  Loki hisses at the doctor's concern.

"She is really sick," concern works onto the doctor's face. I feel distant and slowing down.

"Help her!" Frigga shouts. Loki kneels down beside me, stroking my hand with his thumb. My mind starts slipping away as I give one last push. Loki's eyes connect with mine.

"Stay with me, don't leave," he whispers, pain in his voice. Tears form in his eyes.

The doctor hands Loki the little girl, swaddled in a black blanket, not shedding any tears, just staring at me with bright green eyes just like Loki's.

"Katie, please! I love you!" Loki says. I force my hand up to feel the little girl's tiny, soft hand. Then I touch Loki's face, tears falling out of my eyes.

"Loki, I love you, I always will." My eyesight blurs, and the pain starts to dissappear.



Loki's POV

I grasp my little girl, Kathryn, close, not able to fully comprehend what happened.

Katie's eyes have closed, leaving her in a peaceful, eternal sleep. She's never coming back.

Frigga and Sif sob together, shaking with tears in their eyes. Kathryn looks up at me, as if to say, Mommy will be okay now. Then, she closes her eyes, sleeping gently. I sit in a nearby chair, cuddling my little bundle, my only sanity now.

Soon, Frigga and Sif stand, Sif leaving to tell Thor, Frigga to sit by me. No one wants to tell Odin, and I am happy with that.

It starts to rain outside, reflecting the mood of everyone who knows.

Everyone wears black now, Kathryn wearing a little black dress. I haven't set her down, simply held on to her, never wanting to let her go.

Frigga and I sit together, comforted by each other's presence. She bottle-feeds Kathryn, and fixes Katie's birdcage necklace around her neck. Then Frigga goes off to find Odin.

I look into Kathryn's eyes, the eyes that are the same as mine, thinking:
we'll be alright, princess. We'll be just fine.

Then, somehow, I fall asleep in the chair, holding Kathryn, never letting go.









She died. I know, that's no good, but Kathryn will male it better, I promise.

There will be a book for Kathryn, Daughter of Lies, that I will have up soon.

Thank you for being with Katie and Loki and providing me with your support.

I love you all,

aka lokikatie

Princess of Frost- Book Two of The Asgardian Avenger (Loki/ Avengers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now