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"Come on Mitch, I know you love cats but, really?" Avi said with exasperation, "Wyatt is enough right now, we don't need another evil ball running around."

Mitch laughed on his side of the phone call, knowing Avi wouldn't really mind getting another cat.

"Avi, baby. We're moving into the mountains. We need all the company we can get. And you can't deny me anything, and you know it. Stop acting tough and give in already." Mitch whined.

"Fine. FINE. Just not another hairless. Pick one out and we can stop by the pet store tomorrow after we send the moving truck on it's way. Now hurry home, pizza will be here in ten."

The couple said their goodbyes and hung up.

Mitch turned back to the employee. "Show it to me." He said seriously. Mitch had done months of research to come to this moment. He knew where to go, the code words to use, and had enough money on him that his financial adviser was sure to call first thing Monday morning.

The employee, Katie, took her 20-minute break and lead Mitch through the back room. She pushed up the ceiling panel to release the latter to the secret hidden floor. Mitch followed her up.

The room was well lit and clean and smelled like fresh laundry. It was furnished like a bedroom with a tiny bathroom through one door. Mitch swept the room with his eyes until he saw it.

His new neko.

Katie gestured him forward to approach the desk in the corner where the blond neko sat coloring. Scott knew there were people, and he recognized Katie's scent, so he wasn't worried. But once he realized the stranger was approaching him, he turned in his seat.

Mitch immediately noticed the bright blue eyes. The pupils in the middle were slightly slit, but you wouldn't really notice unless you were staring as hard as Mitch was.

"Hey there, Hun, my name's Mitch. What's yours?" Mitch asked softly.

Katie had explained to him prior to today that this neko was a bit shy. No one knew where he came from, but it was obvious he was hidden most of his life. He never went to school or knew his family. As a result, he was shy and anxious but desperate for love and affection. Katie also explained he was very childlike, even though he was probably over 20 years old. Mitch thought it was typical neko behavior, Katie thought it was his coping mechanism, and her mysterious boss though the poor neko had a personality disorder.

Nevertheless, the man with cat ears and a tail looked at Mitch with wide eye.

"Scott" he whispered, "but I like being called Scotty."

"Well then Scotty, would you like to come live with me and my husband, Avi? We are moving up to the mountains tomorrow and we'd like a new friend."

Scott nodded his head eagerly. "Yes please. Katie's nice, but I like outside, too."

Mitch was in love with Scotty. He'd be the perfect fit for the couple. Mitch stood up and handed Katie the sealed enveloped with "1 mil" scribbled along the seal. Katie understood and slipped it into a hidden pouch she wore around her torso.

She left Mitch to get his new pet ready to go. They packed his clothes and toiletries in a duffle bag, and the rest of his things in a backpack. Once they were finished, Mitch sat on Scott's bed and called him over.

"So, Scotty, you are going to live with me and Avi in the mountains. Now, you might be scared of Avi at first. He looks super tough and has a super deep voice. But don't you worry, he's very nice. He's so nice, he cried for three hours when he accidentally ran over a squirrel with his car. I promise he'll love you just like I do. And we have a cat named Wyatt."

Scott was staring at Mitch with those wide blue eyes.

"Thank you" Scott muttered back.

Mitch helped Scott collect his stuff before leaving with a hat on Scott's head and a smile on his face.


Mitch knew he need to warn Avi that the new member of the family would be coming tonight and not tomorrow, but he didn't want to alarm Scott. He turned the radio on once the car was started. Scott's eyes were even wider as the pulled onto the highway as he took everything in.

Mitch's problem was solved when Scott fell asleep on the drive. Mitch pulled in to the driveway and quietly got out of the car. He stood next to Scott's window so he was visible before calling Avi.

"Av. Come outside. I brought back our new addition but it's a weird situation. Stay calm and open-minded." He hung up the phone and waited as Avi came down the front steps of the house, completely unaware of the neko sleeping just a few feet away.

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