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"What's wrong, Babe?" Avi immediately asked. He was so focused on Mitch he didn't even glance into the car.

"I didn't get a cat. I got a neko." Mitch blurted out. He was going to ease into it but hell, it was weird no matter what.

Avi slowly looked into the car to see the neko stirring from his nap, his hat sideways, showing off an ear.

"No way. NO WAY!" Avi whisper-yelled, "how...where...but... NO WAY."

Avi was beyond excited. Mitch was sure this would be a battle to convince Avi this was really a creature that existed, but Avi seemed to already know.

"I've wanted one for years, what's his name?"

"Scotty" Mitch replied, still in shock.

Avi slowly opened the door and unbuckled Scott. "Hey, Scotty, I'm Avi." He gently told Scott.

Scott had a small smile on his face as he stepped out of the car and stood behind Mitch.

"Deep and soft" he whispered to himself.

"Just the way mommy likes it" Mitch replied with a wink at Avi.

"Huh? Are you my new mommy and daddy?" Scott asked sheepishly.

"If that's what you want to call us, then yes, but Mitch and Avi work too. Whatever you want." Avi felt odd having this tall man call him daddy, but he rationalized it somehow.

Scotty just nodded and followed Avi into the house, Mitch behind them carrying Scotty's bags. Once inside, Avi explained that the house was empty because they were leaving tomorrow and the big truck in the driveway was full of all their stuff.

Avi also explained they only had their master bedroom set up.

"Mitchy, where's Scotty boy going to sleep? I wasn't excepting a new cat until tomorrow, and you brought home a neko tonight."

Mitch didn't quite think that far yet. All of the furniture was either packed away or was sold already. A hotel could work, but that would delay them leaving the next morning, and Avi was particular about his schedule.

"He can fit in our bed with us." Mitch said casually, hoping to make it sound like a normal and casual suggestion.

Scotty was still standing by the door with his eyes downcast, just waiting for direction. Avi seemed to pick up on this and threw out a plan.

"Let's head upstairs and see what we can do, the food's up there anyway." Avi held out his hand for Scotty and lead him to the master bedroom.

It was a big room that looked huge with the lack of furniture. The only thing left was a giant bed with a comforter on it and a few pillows. Mitch put Scotty's bags down and all three men sat on the bed.

Avi insisted they eat before figuring out sleeping arrangements. That sat on the floor with a box of pizza.

Avi spoke up as he opened the box, "Eat as much as you want Scotty, we can always order more. And you are not our pet, you don't need to ask for permission for anything, okay? Just let us know what you're up to so we don't worry."

Scott nodded any look at his new... owners? No, friends maybe? He like the idea of parents, or maybe just caretakers. He didn't really know.

"Thank you, Avi, you too Mitchy." He whispered with a blush rising on his cheeks. He felt self conscious for a reason he couldn't place. As the other two reached for a slice of pizza, Scott scurried to his bad to pull out his only stuffed animal. A small little brown bear that had seen better, and much cleaner, days. He sat down with it hugged to his chest, his broad shoulders dwarfing the bear.

"This is Kevin" he informed them, "he's been my best friend since forever."

Mitch and Avi chuckled and waved hello to the bear.

Scott smiled and set Kevin down in his lap before digging into the yummy pizza. 

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