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Scott rushed to the front door when the bell rang to welcome the guests.

"Welcome, come on in!" He greeted. "Drinks and snacks are in the kitchen, Avi's in there to help. Mitch is in the living room setting up the movie and all that!"

Scott repeated this greeting for each neighbor and family that came in. He loved having so many friends and people to talk to, even if many of them were more than a decade older than him.

By seven o'clock that night, the guests were all set up in the living room to start the movie. Mitch patted the open spot next to him for Scotty to sit next to him. When Scotty lifted the pillow he saw Kevin and set him on the couch.

"Scotty, this handsome man next to you is Markos. He's the new groundskeeper for the new couple in that pretty blue house." Mitch informed him.

Scotty turned to Markos and they struck up a conversation until Avi started the movie. Scotty felt bold and shifted himself a tad closer to the man next to him.

An hour into the movie, Markos slid his hand into Scotty's and leaned over, "Is this okay, Scott?" Scotty blushed and nodded, turning his eyes to the movie.

The movie was really funny and Scotty kept using his free hand to cover his mouth every time he laughed. He would also sneak glances at Markos to see his eyes crinkle in the corners and his dimples appear in his dark skin.

When the movie ended, Mitch got up to turn the lights on and serve some more snacks and drinks. A few older people and the families with young kids decided to head home for the night, while the rest stayed, leaving ten people to watch another movie.

Most people spread out a bit now that there was more room. But Markos and Scotty stayed snuggled up next to each other under the fluffy blanket.

Around midnight, Markos was the last guest there. The four of them were drinking hot chocolate on the deck and enjoying the warm, starry night.

"I should head back, I'm getting sleepy. Thank you for the lovely night, you three, I had a wonderful time.

"You're welcome to sleep here; we have plenty of beds. You and Scotty could get another movie in if you'd like." Mitch suggested. He was not being subtle about wanting the two to spends lots of time together, but Scotty was grateful for the push.

"I have a TV in my room, we can watch the movie there."

Markos smiles and agreed, causing Scotty and Mitch to go het the room ready. When the sliding door closed behind them, Avi spoke.

"I like you, Markos. You seem like a nice guy, but Scotty is sensitive and naïve, if I'm being honest. If you so much as make him frown, I will end your relationship. And he really just wants to watch a movie with you. No Netflix and chill bullshit."

Markos put his hands up in surrender. "I got the impression he was a bit...inexperienced...youthful. Whatever you want to call it, I saw it. And I would never take advantage of him. My kid sister is similar, and I will never forget the night she came to my door with a bloody nose, a black eye and three broken fingers. She believed anything he said because he was 'sweet' and she was stupidly optimistic about everything. The second he could, be beat her half to death then tried to sweet talk her to forgive him. So, I know how it feels to be worried shitless a loved one will get taken advantage of because their so kind and welcoming. You have my word he is safe with me."

"Oh? And what does your word mean?"

"My honor and my humanity."

Avi shook his hand and led him inside.


Markos had just come from the bathroom after getting ready to sleep when Scotty got back from letting Kirstie out. "Thanks for letting me stay over, Scotty. I'm happy to spend some time with you, cute bear by the way."

"That's Kevin. He was a gift from an old friend. Um, I have a weird thing to tell you." Scott knew he couldn't hide being a neko from Markos, especially because he didn't want to sleep in a hat or force Markos to sleep in another room. He pulled it off his head and closed his eyes; he didn't want to see the initial look on his new friends face.

"It's okay if you want to leave." He whispered brokenly with his eyes still closed. He felt a comforting hand on his cheek.

"Not gonna lie, it's weird. But that doesn't mean bad, Scotty. Do you mind telling me about you? I'm a little lost."

Scotty opened his eyes to see Markos' eye staring back at him. Not at his ears, but staring into his eyes Scotty nodded and smiled before pulling Markos into a hug.

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