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Scotty woke up to Mitch tapping his shoulder. He peaked open one eye and squinted up at Mitch.

"Wake up Scotty, today's a very special day!"

Scotty stretched out and yawned, slightly surprised Mitch and Avi were awake before him.

"It's been a year since you joined our family, and I decided to make today your birthday!" Mitch answered with a smile, "Avi planned out a little party too, just some neighbors and family and friends. So get up and get dressed!"

Scotty slowly got out of bed and picked out an outfit. He glanced as his phone to see what the date was. September 17th.

"It's my birthday" He whispered to himself then smiled widely. "It's my birthday!" He shouted, giddy with excitement. Mitch and Avi laughed from downstairs as Scotty kept shouting.

"Good call on the birthday thing, Mitchy. He's probably never celebrated before."

"I do what I can to make him happy."

Just then, Scotty came barreling down the stairs and ran to the kitchen.

"I'm ready to party! Can I have some breakfast? Or should I wait to eat? Will there be cake? I like cake and ice cream together! Or is it an ice-cream cake? Those are good too! I'm excited! Is my outfit okay? What kind of food are we having?" Scotty was clearly beyond excited for the party later, and Avi couldn't help but tell him about it.

"Here's some pancakes, but they won't spoil your apatite because the party's not until three. I wanted to wait to see what kind of cake you wanted before I made anything, and we can make you an ice cream cake. I'll be grilling lots of food. And yes your outfit looks good. Any more questions, Mr. Crazy Cat?"

Scotty was already eating by the time Avi stopped talking, but shook his head 'no' and smiled.

"Do you wan to come with me to the store and pick out the ice cream, or do you want to stay here and help Mitch decorate?"

"BOTH!" He replied with a mouthful of pancakes.


Avi and Scotty returned from the store with six different kinds of ice cream, some Oreos for the crust, and chocolate and Carmel syrups for the insides. Once the bags were in the kitchen, Scotty ran off to help Mitch set up the backyard.

Scotty's job was to blow up balloons and attached them to strings to be places on the tables Mitch had already set up. He had a great time blowing them up and getting to put them wherever he wanted, including tying one onto Kirstie's collar.

They lost track of time decorating, and before they knew it, Avi yelled out the window a thirty-minute warning. Mitch and Scott decided the backyard was fully decorated, and went inside to freshen up.


Around three o'clock, guests started showing up, all with presents in hand.

"Are these for me?" Scott asked as another gift was stacked on the table.

"Yep," Mitch answered, "That's what happens on birthdays and people love you so much, they couldn't help but spoil you! I'll help you with some thank you cards later, if you want."

Scott didn't have time to think about it, as he was swept into a big hug by Esther. Avi's parents were next in line for hugs.

"Thank you so much for coming! Avi didn't tell me y'all would be here! And look, there's Katie!" He gave Avi's family each another hug before running over to his old friend. He gave her a tight hug and did his best not to cry.

"Well, well, Scotty, you are looking good. I don't think I've ever seen a smile this bug on you before." She cooed before dropping her voice, "I hope this means those two are treating you well."

"They are, Katie. You know I'd tell you anything. Oh, I have a phone now! Can I have your phone number so we can text?"

"Of coarse! I've missed you!"

Scotty spent the few hours before dinner greeting people and saying 'thank you for coming' about a hundred times, but he genuinely meant it each time.

"Dinner time!" Avi shouted from his place in front of the grill.


After the mountain of food everyone ate, some people decided to swim in the lake, but Avi and Scotty were chatting with a neighbor while Mitch entertained his family.

Scotty suddenly tugged on Avi's sleeve and widen his eyes. "whoa, Avi, that guy is really pretty" He whispered.

"Go talk to him." Avi prompted, "It's time to move on from Markos, get a fresh start. Remember how amazing it was to move up to the mountains with a new family? That feeling can happen when you meet really special people. And he's been glancing your way for a while."

Avi gave Scotty a nudge, forcing him into motion. Mitch came up tuck himself into Avi's side.

"Hey, babe. How's our boy?"

"Good. He's really becoming his own person, ya know? He's no longer the timid neko trying to fit in. He's a man who wants to live his life and find happiness"

Mitch hummed in agreement. "Our furry family is something, isn't it? Who would have thought a year ago me, you, Scotty, Kirstie, and Kevin would be a goofy little five-some? Scotty's so sweet he made me believe a teddy bear is a part of this family."

"And I'm okay with it. The five of us could take on the world, uh?" Avi pondered as he looked over the lake and to the mountains.


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