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Scotty and Markos dated for about three months before it happened. They met at their normal spot of the big rock between the houses under the shade of the forest that was just beyond the houses.

"Scotty, I need to talk to you," Markos said with watery eyes, "My parents aren't doing well. My mom's sick and dad just can't take care of her alone her anymore. She's getting weaker and needs so much help. I've decided to move back home to help out and to be with my mom. I'm sorry, but I have to break up with you."

Scotty's eyes watered as he stared at Markos.

"I'm really sorry, Scotty, you're a wonderful guy, but I've got to take care of my parents while they're still alive. I hope you understand. But I don't want to loose touch. It would kill me to let go of someone like you. So what I'm trying to say is, will you still be my friend?"

"I understand, Marky. I'm sorry to hear about your parents. Thank you for being the perfect first boyfriend. And I will still talk to you. One lass kiss?"

They leaned in like they had so many times before.


Avi and Mitch were in their terrace hot tub when Scotty came upstairs crying. He quickly grabbed Kevin and ran outside, almost tripping over Kirstie on the way.

"Momma, Papa. I'm sad" Scotty whimpered as we plopped down on the edge of the hot tub, "Markos is leaving so we had to break up. His parents are sick." He started crying again and hugged Kevin as hard as he could.

Avi and Mitch jumped out of the hot tub and threw their robes on. In seconds, they were surrounding him in a hug.

"I'm sorry, baby boy," Avi said, "it's a part of life. But you two had lots of fun together, right? He made you happy?"

Scotty nodded slightly. "Yeah, he was super sweet."

Mitch grasped his shoulders and make eye contact with Scotty.

"I know it hurts, but we all go through it. I was dating a man once, and we were together for a long time, like four years. We loved each other a lot, but we realized we wanted different things out of life, and it just wouldn't work. Just because we broke up doesn't mean we never saw each other again. He was the best man at my wedding. I promise you things will work out and everything will be okay."


Scotty decided to see Markos off a few days later. It was hard for both of them to physically pull themselves apart from the hug, but they knew separating was for the best.

"If you ever come back," Scotty whispered, "Maybe we could try this again. I love you, Marky. Give your parents a hug for me."

"I love you too, Scotty. Take care of yourself."

With a final goodbye, Markos hopped in his car and backed up down the driveway. With one final wave, he left. With one final wave, Scotty's heart broke."

Scotty walked the lake trail a few times, thinking about is life. He thought of all the things that had changed in his life in the past nine months, about his new life, new friends and new hobbies.

Avi and Mitch, unknown to Scotty, were sitting on the upper porch to keep an eye on their boy, hoping he was okay

Once his legs were sore and his belly was rumbling, Scotty went back home.

"How ya feeling?" Avi asked

"I'm okay." Scotty replied with a small smile. "I think I'll always love him, being my first boyfriend and all, but I know it had to end. Can we cuddle up and watch a movie?"

"Sure, Bud. You find Mitch and I'll set up. It's okay to feel sad, but remember the good parts too okay?"


A/N Last chance for requests. I have the last chapter ready to go, and it will go up soon if no one has a request.

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