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A/N sorry

The second of February was the worst day in the house. Scott woke up, and he immediately knew what was wrong. He curled himself around Wyatt and cried.

"Momma, wake up!" He yelled through is sobs.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked, alert. Avi, too, sat straight up.

"I'm so so sorry momma. I think Wyatt's gone." He whispered. He uncurled from around Wyatt and the grey cat did not move. His big ears were flopped more than normal and his leg looked like it was in a very uncomfortable position.

"When I woke up this morning, I could tell, must be my cat instincts." Scott elaborated when no one moved.

Mitch slowly crawled over to Wyatt and pet his head.

"He's right, Avi. Wyatt Blue is gone."


After some final love, Avi placed Wyatt in the crate and drove him to the vet. Mitch and Scott moved to the couch downstairs, not liking staying in the room where they found out.

Kirstie could tell the boys were sad. She made Scotty cry even more when she gentle carried Kevin over and set him on Scotty's lap.

"Such a good girl." Mitch mumbled as he pet her. She hopped onto the couch and laid across the boys' lap.

Avi returned an hour or so later, this time empty handed. He grabbed some waters and joined the rest of the family on the couch.

It was silent the rest of the day.


When Scott woke up the next morning and slipped off the couch and went downstairs. He decided to paint on the deck today. He threw down a tarp and threw on a hoodie. He sat out there for a long time. Avi eventually joined him without a word. Mitch came down a little while later with a cup of coffee and sat on the steps of the deck and looked off over the lake.

Avi took a break and tapped Scott on the shoulder, gesturing him to join Mitch, which he did. He sat down and let Mitch lean into him.

"He was 16 years old, I can't be surprised." Mitch sighed.

"Tell me more about him." Scott requested.

"Well, he was originally my sisters cat, but when she had kids, she asked if I would take him in. Most hairless cats cant deal with grabby kids, I guess. I've only had him for ten years. He was my 18th birthday present from her. I had love him before, but to have him as my own was amazing. He was always my little boy. God, I miss him already." Mitch whimpered.

"I can be your little boy, not to replace him. But you saved my life, momma, and in a way, you saved Wyatt's life too."

"He saved me too." Avi said as he sat down on the other side of Mitch. He held out a small ceramic circle.

"It has his paw print on one side and his little tail spiral on the other side." Avi explained, "and, this little necklace is a little print of his nose. I had this made a long time ago. I wanted to wait until he was gone to give it to you."

Avi slipped the necklace over Mitch's head.

"Momma, Papa, can we get Wyatt's paw print as out matching tattoo?"

The other two smiled and agreed, each planning to get it on the middle of their backs, Wy's favorite place to walk.

Scott grabbed a few waters from the mini-fridge in Mitch's office and passed them around.

They all raised their bottle, "To Wyatt" Mitch whispered.

"Hear, hear" Avi replied.

Scott's reply was a low purr, sending waves into the afternoon sun. 

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