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Scotty had just finished his bath and was styling his hair early one morning. He happened to notice a small picture frame with a picture of Mitch, Avi and Wyatt.

Once he was ready for the day, he found Avi and Mitch in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Hey you two, can we take family pictures? We don't have to go anywhere, but I saw a nice camera in the basement the other day, I thought it could be fun."

Mitch loved the idea. "We do have a cute family picture, but its on the phone. It would be nice to have a nice big picture of all of us. I want to finish up a few work things, but then I'm good to go."

Mitch put his empty mug I the dishwasher and disappeared down the stairs. After a brief discussion, Avi and Scotty decided to set up in the basement because the sliding glass door will allow in lots of natural light.

They moved the furniture away from the wall and set up the camera on the tripod. Both then ran upstairs to but some fancy clothes on and fix their hair.

Mitch did the same when he was done working, and after a quick lunch, their photo shoot began.

"Avi and Mitchy, you first. Do cute coupley pictures!" Scotty yelled.

Avi picked up Mitch and spun him around, both laughing and smiling. Scotty clicked, clicked, clicked as they had fun.

Scotty and Kevin got a few pictures together, then they invited Kirstie into the mix.

"Tails out, ladies!" Mitch shouted as he took his turn behind the camera. Scott laughed as he whipped is tail around his body and made a silly face.

After an hour of fun, they took a group picture using the self timer on the camera; the three men sanding proudly in their fancy clothes and Kevin and Kirstie by their feet. They took a few to make sure they had options.

Mitch brought his laptop to the basement so they could review the pictures and pick their favorites. He sat in the middle on the floor with his men on either side. He couldn't help but smile as he looked though all the picture of him and Avi.

"These remind me of our wedding photos." He said. Avi hummed his agreement and placed a gentle kiss on Mitch's head.

Another hour was spend sitting on the floor going through hundreds of pictures.

"My ass is sore." Avi whined

"I'm usually the one with the sore ass, daddy." Mitch teased.

Scotty couldn't help but giggle. After complaining for a little longer, the three stood up and stretched out.

"I'll print out favorites tomorrow," Mitch announced, "Right now I want some dinner."

Avi's stomach growled at the mention of food, prompting them to head up to the kitchen.


"Scotty, come look at the pictures!" Mitch shouted down the stairs. Avi was out for the day so Mitch and Scotty decided to print, frame, and hang the pictures.

"This on of you and Avi should go on the table in the living room!" Scotty decided after putting a cute picture of the two men in a pretty green frame.

"And this one of the Tail Pals is going in the laundry room." Mitch declared.

They framed a few more before getting to the picture of the five of them.

"I bought a special gold frame for this one." Mitch said, pulling the last frame out of the bag, "the picture's yours. If you ever decide to move out and be on your own, I want you to have it."

Scotty smiled and took the picture in his hands. "for now, let's keep it on the big bedroom so we can see it almost every night."

He stood and put the picture on the table under the TV


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