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A/N Thank you minervaarcanum for the idea. 

It was a beautiful summer day up in the mountains. The sky was blue with a flew clouds puffed around, and a slight breeze that barley rustled the trees to soften the hot sun.

Avi decided he wanted to take a hike and find a quiet spot to paint. He invited the other two along and packed a lunch, including some treats for Kirstie. Scotty and Mitch changed their clothes and Kevin was added into the small backpack Scotty was carrying.

"I'll let your head poke out so you can see, Kevy. We're going up to the mountains! I haven't been up there yet, but I think it will be lots of fun."

Once everyone was ready to go, they decided to drive to the mountains and walk up from the base. Avi want to walk the forty-five minutes to the base of the mountain, but quickly changed his mind when Mitch shot him a stern glare.

The drive was quick, and before they knew it, they were all hoping out and collecting their things.

"I'll hold on to Kirstie's leash." Mitch offered.

The path they chose lead them a little way up the mountain, but towards a flat, grassy space before the trail became steep. After a half an hour of walking, they found a small patch of grass just off the trail that was partially shaded from the sun.

Avi unpacked the lunches and Scotty spread out the blanket for everyone to sit on. Mitch tied Kirstie's leash up the the tree and gave her some water and treats to keep her happy. They enjoyed the sandwiches and fruit Avi packed, along with lots of smiles and laughs.

An hour or so later, Avi started painting, Mitch began writing some music, and Scott was ready a book Avi had given him.

They were all enjoying the calmness when a small, blonde woman and a rather tall man walked by on the trail with their two husky puppies. Both dogs saw Kirstie laying under the tree and started barking. Kirstie perked up and stared at them. She hopped up and returned the barking, excited to meet new friends.

"Kirstie, NO!" Mitch yelled as she tugged on her leash to sniff at the new dog.

"Excuse me?" The woman asked with a questioning look.

"Sorry, I was yelling at the dog. I'm assuming your name is Kirstie too."

"It is. Sorry about my dog, they're still being trained." She apologized as the two dogs pulled the man over to the tree.

"That's quite all right, we haven't really trained ours, she's a bit of a handful. But we love her anyway."

Mitch and Kirstie chatted for a while the three dogs played around a bit.

"Oh, this is my husband, Jeremy."

"This is my husband Avi and our friend Scotty." All the adults shook hands and chatted a more before Kirstie and Jeremy decided to continue their walk.

"Mitchy, do you think that she's the Kirstie that helped me when I was a stray?"

"Does she look familiar?"

"I couldn't ever really see her from the alley, it was always kinda dark, but it kinda smells like her. And I only knew her name because of a mans voice, could have been Jeremy."

"Go run and see if you can catch them. And take the dog with you." Mitch suggested. Scotty did just that and caught up the them quickly.

Mitch walked a bit so he could see Scotty. He stood and watch them talk and then they hugged for a long time. Scotty slowly returned, wiping a few tears off his face.

"It was her. She saved my life, Momma. And I finally got to say thank you."

They returned to their little spot and relaxed again, Scotty smiling widely.

"Todaywas a really good day." Scotty said as he felt the sun on his face and a warmthin his heart.     

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