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A week after Kirstie was brought home, Scott spend the night in his separate room for the first time. They agreed that on Wednesdays, Scott would sleep in there with Wyatt and Kirstie, giving Avi and Mitch a full night to themselves.

At first, Scott was nervous to be without them. Once he settled into bed and had his favorite show playing on the TV, he realized it wasn't so bad. Kirstie and Wyatt seemed to know that Scott needed them close when they were in that room.

He finally curled up to sleep with Kirstie's head on his legs, Wyatt against his back and Kevin hugged to his chest.


When Scotty woke up the next morning, he opened the bedroom door and went to sit outside. He threw on a hat and sat on the lower deck as Kirstie ran around the back yard. After his morning wave and "Good mornin', Sugar" he went back inside to eat some breakfast. He fed the kitty and the puppy before making himself a peanut butter sandwich.

He was okay with being without Avi and Mitch for one night, but that night was over and he missed them, really really missed them.

After he finished eating, he went back upstairs and stood outside their door to try to hear if they were awake. He didn't pick up on anything, so he slowly opened the door. They were both under the blanket, with Avi spooning Mitch. Scotty smiled at them and took his place curled up at the end of the bed.

He didn't fall back to sleep, just closed his eyes and enjoyed being so close to his parents. Not long after, Mitch woke up and realized he was there, and scratched just behind his ears.

"Hey Scotty Boy. How was your night?" He whispered.

"Good. Kirstie and Wyatt were super nice. I let Kirstie out and fed both of them, and myself. I'm sorry if you didn't want me to come in yet, I just missed you."

"That sounds like a good night. How about we'll unlock the door Wednesday night when it's safe so you know it's okay to come in on Thursdays. If do door's locked, it means we night need some time in the morning. Sound fair?"

Scott purred his response. The rumble woke up Avi, who slowly sat up, his hair flopped in front of his face.

"Sup?" he muttered.

"Nothin', Bruh." Mitch replied in his most masculine voice.

Scott couldn't help but bust out into a fit of giggles. Mitch couldn't help but try to make Scott giggle more.

"Hey, bro, I heard its beer and boob night at the bar. Wanna toss back a few while we wear our cargo shorts and muscle tops?"

Avi didn't know how to respond to such a statement coming from Mitch. He just flopped back down onto the bed and pushed his hair out of his face.

"Maybe super macho-Mitchy will come walk Kirstie with me" Scott asked Mitch hopefully.

"Sure thing. We'll give Avi a few more minutes of sleep. Then we have to figure out thanksgiving and Christmas plans. Last year, Avi forget to invite his sister to Christmas and they talk like every other day."

Avi responded by throwing a pillow and yelling "I'm asleep". Mitch dodged the pillow and left the room, Scott's hand in his.

"Scotty, have you ever thought about dating and all that?"

"Well, um, I thought you were really handsome when I first met you. And-and Avi is pretty, too. But I just don't know about, like other stuff. I was alone for a long time. And I don't feel like I'm old enough for all that. Katie told me I was like 20 years old or something, but I don't FEEL that old, ya know?"

"Hmm, I mean this as a complement, but sometimes you seem like a super polite eleven-year-old, not always, though."

"It is a complement, at least to me. I like being polite. And I know you and Papa love me and will keep me safe, the rest of the details will be okay."

"I'm glad you know how much we love you. Now, I bet I can get my shoes on first!"

They both flung into action, running around trying to be ready first. Scott declared himself as he winner, even though Mitch was done first, he had on Avi's left shoe, and that was cheating.

"Fine, fine, you win. You pick the leash color, Scotty."

Scott scrunched his eyes, critically analyzing his options. So many choices

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, BLUE!"

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