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Mitch woke up to a strange sight on Thanksgiving morning. He sat up to find the rest of the family sitting on their back haunches just staring at him. The line went Scotty, with ears and tail on display; Avi, with his hair down and hairy chest without a shirt; Kirstie, who was chewing on her tail; Wyatt, the only one laying down; and Kevin propped up against a pillow on the end.

Mitch grabbed his phone and took a picture of the odd moment. He debated even saying anything, but he couldn't help himself.


"Because," Avi said, "Scotty said I look like the rest of the animals with all my hair."

Scotty nearly fell over he was laughing so hard. Mitch took a few more pictures of his silly little family. Avi noticed and grabbed Mitch's phone to take a a few pictures with Mitch in them.

The family moment ended when Mitch glanced at the clock and sighed, "Time to set up boys."

Scotty just smiled wider. "I finished most of it already the dining room table set for twenty and a kids eating table set too oh and I put all of Avi's paining stuff away and locked the studio door so the puppies can come over and run in and out of the house whole we eat the yummy turkey day food so all you have to do now is get dressed all pretty and boss Avi around!!" Scott said in one big breath with a wide smile.

"And when did you do this?"

"Well, last night was Wednesday, so it was my pet party night, and I figured I'd surprise you!"

"Thank you, Scotty! Such a sweetheart." Mitch smiled and scratched Scotties ears.


"Avi, Mitchie, thirty minutes 'til the neighbors show up!" Scotty shouted from his bedroom. "Can you both come to my room?" He asked a bit quieter.

The two men made their way up to the room curious to see why Scotty sounded nervous.

He was sat on his bed all dressed up with one of Avi's old beanies covering his ears. He looked a bit nervous as he swished his tail from side to side. He stood up and gestured to the bed.

"I just wanted to tell you both that I'm super thankful for everything you've done. And I know there are better words that mean more, but I don't really know them. But both of you have changed my life and I love you very very much. So thank you." He professed with a smile, shy smile. He suddenly looked nervous again.

"I don't remember much from when I was a kid, but I do remember my sister having a human, and I guess she had a collar. To show she had a master. And I know you are not mast masters and all, but I would like to have something physical to show I belong to you. That's not the right word but I don't know how to say it better."

Scotty sat on the floor in front of them with his legs crossed and looked up at them. He looked remarkably like a child asking for his parent's love.

Avi understood what Scotty was asking.

"You want a representation of our connection." He stated

"OH, I have an idea!" Mitch exclaimed "tattoos!"

Scotty smiled just as bright as Mitch, but Avi looked wary. He loved art and all, but tattoos never go away.

"Think it over" Mitch said to the two of them before standing up and helping Scotty stand. Mitch pulled the other two into a big group hug.

"I am so thankful that you are the neko I found, Scotty. And Avi, I don't have the words to say how much you've meant to me these past seven years. I love you both very much."

Tears were flowing and Avi through in more sappy words and by the time the doorbell rang, Mitch ran into his bathroom to fix the red splotches on his face. Avi chuckled and took Scotts hand, leading him down stairs to welcome the guests.


By the time dessert rolled around, everyone was pleasantly stuffed and feeling sleepy. Scott gladly accepted a piece of pumpkin pie and a big scoop of ice cream.

"I'm so FULL." He announced as he finished his final bite of dessert. The people around the table laughed agreed.

Scott gave the old couple a hug as they left. Everyone filtered out and the tree plopped down onto the couch and turned on a movie. Scotty hopped up to grab Kevin and Kirstie and Wyatt joined them all on the couch too. 

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