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That afternoon, Scott heard Avi and Mitch fighting for the first time. He couldn't quite make out what they were saying, but he defiantly heard a heated conversation from downstairs while he was eating a snack.

He really didn't know what to do with himself. Arguing always made him uncomfortable, and this was the first time the coupled had argued since moving into the house. He heard the voices died down after a while, and hoped everything was okay.

Five minutes later, Mitch came up the stairs and was startled to see Scotty sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey. Sorry if you heard all that. We're both pretty passionate and stubborn people, it can cause some tension sometimes. We agreed to cool off a bit before resolving anything. How'd you like for me to take you shopping to get some new clothes?"

Scotty perked up at that. He dashed around trying o get ready as fast as he could, grabbing his favorite snap-back and his coolest jacket. Within minutes, he as waiting by the front door, ready to go.

He peaked around the corner to see Mitch and Avi exchange a kiss on the top of the stairs.

"Have fun you two. Mitch, you know your daily credit card limit is $150,000. I will get a call if you go over that." Avi mocked.

"Yeah, yeah, Big Daddy. I'll be good. I love you."

"I love you, too. And you Scotty." Avi replied with a smile.

"Mitchy?" Scott asked as they drove towards the mall, "I'm confused. You were fighting yet you still kissed. And where does all this money come from? I know you guys work a lot, but you could get lots of money to adopt me without anyone noticing."

Mitch pondered for a bit before responding. "Well, I and I still love each other. Disagreements are a part of life, and they don't make us love each other any less. And with the money, we both are very lucky with our job paths, and Avi's family had a bit of money to throw around. The were very generous with our wedding present."

"How did they get all that money?" Scott's curiously was flowing.

"Sounds kinda fake, but his mom got a bunch of lottery tickets for a retirement gift, won 350 million dollars on it. She gave half to the person who bought the ticket, gave 30 mil to each of her three kids, gave 30 mil to a bunch of charities, and is living life with the rest."

"Wow" Scott said with awe. Avi was the last person Scott would guess was rich.

"And you, my furry friend, have $2,000 sitting in a pretty little bank account."

Scott smiled at the thought of having something of his own, something to get him by if he really need it, or wanted to buy Avi and Mitch some presents some time.

"aannnd, Avi and I maaaayyy have given you a little present, but I wasn't supposed to tell you that, so don't ask." Mitch revealed with a smirk.


"FASHION SHOW! FASHION SHOW! FASHION SHOW!" Mitch yelled as he walked in the house. Avi was making dinner and let out a low chuckle at Mitch's excitement.

"What's the damage?" Avi asked while washing his hands.

"Six pairs of pants, two pairs of shorts, ten shirts, three sweaters, two jackets, three pairs of shoes, a suit and some socks and underwear, all for Scotty." Mitch listed off "And we only spent 10k, thankyouverymuch."

"Well, well, look who gained some self restraint, no clothes for the princess?"

Just then, Scott walked through the door a second time with about ten bags hanging off his arms.

"Not quite" Mitch giggled, "and another 10k, but some of it I bought for you." He kissed Avi and darted into the living room.

Dinner was ready soon after, and they all enjoyed Avi's homemade pizza before the fashion show began.

They moved up to the master bedroom before dumping out the bags. Scotty went first and modeled his favorite outfits, including the suit Mitch insisted he get, and blushed every time he stepped out of the bathroom and received a compliment.

As he become more confident, he's strike a pose with each new ensemble.

Mitch was LIVING for his turn to model his new clothes. He would strut of the the bathroom like a damn supermodel before turning around doing it again with the next outfit.

Somehow, Avi managed to avoid his turn as a model.

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