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Scott was up early the next morning. He trotted out to the terrace with Kevin in his arms. He sat on the chair and watched the world wake up around him. He could see the next house over and an older couple walking from their house to the trail. To be safe, he flattened his ears as he stood up. He noticed they were walking toward the house and waved at them. The man gave a hearty wave and the lady let out a melodic "good mornin' Sugar". Scott had no way of knowing then, but this would happen every single morning until the sweet old man passed away. After that, the old woman would walk the circle with her son until she, too, passed away. Sometimes, he would be on the lower back deck and would wave from the rocking bench that Avi's Dad set up one Thanksgiving. Avi and Mitch never knew of this ritual, and it meant a lot to Scott to have this one important thing all to himself. Looking back, Scotty really misses those mornings.

But that morning, his smile was wide and he had to strain not to let his tail swing like it wanted to.

They passed by and Scott sat back in the chair. He watched them finish their circle and return to their house.

Scott quickly snuck inside and grabbed his coloring stuff from his bag and returned to the chair. He colored and colored until he heard Avi patter outside and close the door behind him.

"Hey, Scotty. Breakfast?" Avi mumbled in the deepest voiced Scott had ever heard come out of Avi.

"Yes, please, Avi" Scott replied. He packed up his coloring and followed Avi inside. He couldn't help but chuckle at Mitch who was dwarfed by the huge blanket. Wyatt had decided Mitch's face was a good place to sleep.

After tip-toeing down the stairs, Avi found the milk and cereal and pour a bowl for Scott and himself. They ate in a comfortable silence.

"Avi, I have to talked to you about something" Scott stated as he hopped up to sit on the counter, his tail wrapping around his torso.

Avi turned and gave him his full attention.

"I know I have no right to ask. You and Mitchy have done so, so much for me already. But I don't want my own room. I spent so long in that tiny room all by myself. I can't go back to being lonely every day. I can't. I can't."

Avi stepped forward to hug a shaking Scott.

"Of coarse you can stay in our room. You seemed to like to curl up with Wyatt at the end of the bed. Or we can move a mattress in or even replace the chairs with a pull-out couch. We love you, Scotty. Mitch wouldn't have picked you if you weren't special. Hell, all of my self-confidence comes from knowing I was good enough for him to marry. You belong here and you have the right to be happy. Okay?"

Scott nuzzled into Avi's shoulder and nodded. "Is it weird when I call you Papa? Sometimes I just need more security than a friend and calling you Papa, and Mitchy Momma, helps me out."

"No problem, Scotty. We didn't just adopt a pet with you, we adopted a friend, or a child or a cool neko who's the cutest giant I've ever met." Avi replied with a laugh. "I have another solution. You are welcome to room with me and Mitch, but, uh, sometimes we like to, um, ya know..." Avi blushed for the first time in Scott's memory. Scott stared with wide, innocent eyes, not understanding what Avi meant.

As if it was destiny, Mitch walked in to save the day. "We like some naked, alone time" he said as he poured a cup of coffee.

Scotty blushed just as deeply as Avi, finally understanding.

"As I was saying," Avi recovered, "For those nights where we would like some, um, couples time, I was thinking you might like to cuddle up with your very own puppy."

Scott smiled and squealed at Avi suggestion.

"Av, you just made the kid so damn happy he meowed" Mitch said with a laugh.

The three of them cracked up at the realization.


An hour later, Scott was sitting in the back seat of the car with a big ball of white fluff sitting on his lap. The new addition was a beautiful white husky with a touch of sandy brown on her ears and electric blue eyes.

"What's the pretty girl's name Scotty?" Mitch yelled over the wind whipping through the open windows.

"Hmmm, I like Kirstie! That was the name of the lady who would give me and Pup-Pup snacks."

"Kirstie it is" Avi agrees while shooting a look of pity towards Mitch.

"I know" he mouthed.

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