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Thank you @pentalyrics for the idea  I hope it's what you wanted!

Scotty tiptoed into Avi and Mitch's room on Thursday morning to grab the tattoo cream from their bathroom. He was almost back out the door when he heard a sniffle. He crept over the the bed and sat on the bed before trying to figure out who was upset.

It was then he noticed both Mitch and Avi were awake, and Mitch's head was on Avi's chest. They were holding each other tightly.

"What's wrong, Mamma?" Scotty whispered.

"He's a bit sad, Scotty," Avi replied, "just one of those days. And when he's sad, I'm sad". Scotty looked up to Avi and noticed a few tears.

"Can I help at all?" Scotty asked as he crawled up next to Mitch, resting his head on Mitch's stomach.

Mitch rubbed the neko's head, playing with his ears. "I'll be okay, Scotty. I just really miss Wyatt and I haven't seen my sister in a while and I'm just over thinking everything."

Avi added on, "And I feel so helpless. He's my husband, and I can't do anything to made him happy. Why am I so useless?"

Scott didn't like all this heaviness.

"Momma, tell Papa and I what's wrong."

Mitch took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "I just get so worried. Did we make the right choice by moving up to the mountains? Should have moved closer to my parents or my sister so I could see my family more? And I know Avi wants kids, and my parents would love to have more grandkids, but I don't like kids. And I don't want to force myself to be a parent. But I'm cheating Avi out of a family. And it hurts my heart I can't give him everything he wants."

Tears escaped through his closed eyes and clung to his eyelashes.

"Mitchy, love, look at me." Avi whispered to Mitch, "I knew before we were married that you didn't want kids. I chose you over kids. And I think little Scotty is a damn good replacement for adopting a kid. Right? You have given me enough, more than enough."

Scotty watched as they continued their weepy eyed conversation. He snuck out of the room to give them some privacy and to run to his room.

Twenty minutes later, he slipped back into the room, Kirstie on his heals and Kevin in her mouth.

"Whatcha got there, Scotty?" Mitch asked.

"I brought some goodies. Here's some strawberries, Nutella, coffee and water. Oh, and I bought you both something a while ago and forgot about them until now." He set down the little try of food in front of them. Kirstie set Kevin on a pillow and laid down across the bottom of the bed. Scott sat next to hear and set two boxes down in front of him.

"Here, Momma, you first." Mitch gently took the box and pulled the top off.

"It's a super big memory stick to hold all of the songs you make so they're all in one place and you never lose them. And it looks like a banana!" Scott explained with a smile.

He passed off the other box to Avi.

"For you, Papa, I got a bunch of really cool paints. Some are metallic, some are holographic, and some have sparkly stuff. They'd be cool to paint like galaxies and stuff."

Before either man could respond, Scott kept going.

"Now, shirts off and roll over, tattoo care time."

Mitch whispered a 'kinky' under his breath.

Scott used baby wiped to clean the tattoos then spread the ointment on them.

"No shirts till they dry. Will someone do mine?"

Avi stood from the bed and gestured for Scotty to lay down. While Avi did his work, Scotty used his tail to mess up Mitch's hair, causing Mitch to laugh.

"There's my boy." Avi said.

Avi joined them on the bed.

The little family of five moved around so they could face the TV.

Scotty was in the middle, and looked to Avi and Mitch and saw them each with a smile on their face as the silly showed play.

Scott smiled with pride that he could comfort his best friends like they comfort him.

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