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A/N Thanks to PTX_Pentaholic99   for the idea. After writing this chapter, I changed the story rating to mature and made my 'extra' chapter a normal chapter and changed the numbers accordingly.

After ten minutes of wrangling Kirstie, Scotty finally clipped the leash onto her collar.

"Hey, Avi. I'm going to take Kirstie for a walk. I'll be back in an hour."

"Okay, Scotty. Stick to the path and don't forget your phone." Avi replied, looking up from the newspaper in front of him.


"Kirstie, NO!" Scotty shouted as the dog jumped into the lake. It was a hot day and the path was in the sun, Scotty was just about to walk along the tree line for some shade when the fluffy puppy decided the lake would cool her off just fine.

She jumped out pretty quickly and shook off, spraying Scotty with water. He hissed and jumped away, mad at her. He was going to keep walking, as it had only been ten minutes, but she was now covered in mud and he knew if it dried, cleaning her would be no fun for either one of them.

"Let's get you home, you little stinker." He said with a chuckle, "I'm going to have to carry you upstairs to the bath tub. Such a problem child."

Kirstie gave a bark in response and happily trotted along the path.


"Your getting heavy." Scotty muttered as he had Kirstie in his arms as he carefully went up the stairs. He hadn't seen the other two, but luckily the bedroom door was open a crack so he could just push it open.

"Knock, knock" he said as he pushed the door open with his back to avoid getting mud on the door.

"SHIT" Mitch yelled.

Scotty turned into the room and yelped, burying his eyes in Kirstie's muddy fur. He tried to back out of the room but he could see the door. And there was no way he was going to open his eyes. He didn't know what to do besides stand there with his face covered.

"Shit, Scotty, I'm so sorry" Mitch said as he and Avi sat at the head of the bed and covered themselves with the blanket. "We're covered"

Scotty peaked and eye open and saw their lower halves covered with a blanket.

"I, um, Kirstie got muddy, and, uh, I wanted to wash her in the bathtub."

"Put her in the bathroom and come back out. I think we need to talk." Avi said.

Scotty did just that and stood at the end of the bed, not wanted to get too close to the naked people.

Mitch knew there was no way Avi would talk this out, so he took the lead. "I'm sorry you walked in on us, Scotty. We didn't think you would be back and we should have locked the door. Have you ever had the sex talk?" Mitch asked carefully.

Scotty shook his head, "Not really. Just when you got me those, um, toys. And I know you to did...that...but I didn't really know what it looked like"

Avi raised an eyebrow but Mitch waved him off. "Not now, Av, I'll explain later. But Scotty, sex is something Avi and I do to show our love and connection. What you saw was a bit on the kinky side I guess. Did anything bother you?"

"Why was Avi choking you?" Scott whispered. Avi didn't know what to do with himself he was so embarrassed.

"Mommy likes it." Mitch said with a seductive wink in Avi's direction. "And that's why my hands were tied together, adds to the thrill. But I should probably tell you that not everyone has sex that way. And we know what each other likes and wants, so both of us are happy."

Mitch and Avi could tell Scotty had more questions because he was playing with his tail and avoiding eye contact.

"What is it?" Avi ask.

"I'm just confused. I've never done that with another person. Is it better than doing it alone?"

Avi finally chipped in, "It is because you share the experience, the pleasure, with another person. Knowing he came because of me is...mmm." He trailed off with a groan

"Maybe it's time you start dating, baby. I could introduce you to a few people. Then maybe you can better understand." Mitch gently suggested

Scotty looked up and smiled. "You'd do that foe me?"

"Of course. But we'll have to finish this conversation later, my hands are starting to tingle."

Scotty jumped up and locked himself in the bathroom to wash Kirstie, blasting music from his phone.  

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