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The night they moved in, all three of them slept in the bed in the master suite because nothing else was set up yet. The movers but furniture and boxes in the appropriate rooms, and the next morning, they got started on unpacking everything. If you ask Scott, it was a crazy day.

Avi was in charge of setting up the kitchen and buying groceries. Mitch was on unpacking clothes duty, and Scotty was told to unpack the boxes in the bedrooms. Avi showed him how to properly make the beds, so he started with that. Everything else, he was told to lay out in the bed.

By midafternoon, they were all exhausted after four hours of work. Avi ordered some subs for lunch, and they ate them on the master-suite terrace.

"What's gotten done so far?" Avi asked

"Well, all clothes have been unpacked and Scotty hear made all the beds and unpacked all the guest bedroom boxes. I started on the bathrooms but haven't gotten far." Mitch replied.

Avi nodded and absorbed before replying. "Kitchen is unpacked. It's a mess, but all the boxes are empty. I'll finished that up after I buy the groceries."

Scott had his eyes closed as he enjoyed the sun on his fur. He was glad he was blond so that his fur was light. The most noticeable places were around his ears and on his face. Weirdly, the fur that was obvious was the same place as Avi's bear and his long hair. Scott never noticed how human he looked.

He must have fallen a sleep because the next things he remembers hearing are the jets of the hot tub.

"Well look who woke up from his cat nap!" Mitch chimed lightly, "how do you feel about hot tubs? I'd assumed as a part-cat, you'd hate them, but you like dogs so who knows."

Scott walked over the the hot tub and sat on the edge. He let his tail dip in, but nothing else.

"Not a fan." He grumbled. Katie had taught him that since he was part human, showers or baths were something that had to happen. He compromised with her, though. He's bathe by running some bath water and dipping in a wash cloth to then rub himself. It was a long process, but he figured it out.

The three of them chatted away for a while, giggling and enjoying the relaxation. Avi eventually decided he needed to get some groceries before the day was done, and he and Mitch made their way out of the hot tub.

Scott quickly averted his eyes when he realized neither of them had any clothes on. He made himself busy by retrieving Kevin and siting on the ground by the railing.

"Kevy Bear. I missed you! I miss Pup-Pup too. Do you think he misses us? He was a fun friend. He always snuggled with me under the blanket." Scott talked and talked to the bear for hours. He was lost in his own world as he caught up with his little bear. He was so distracted; he didn't even smell Wyatt until he was rubbing his face on Scott's head.

"Wy-Wy! I forgot about you! Papa must have had you in the truck on the drive." They rubbed their ears together a bit, both purring away. Wyatt eventually hopped onto Scotty's lap.

"Wyatt this is Kevin. He's a bear! He's also my best friend, well, maybe Mitchy and Avi are my best friends now, but Kevin is my oldest friend. That's not true either, Pup-Pup was my first friend. He was a puppy who lived with me. He gave me Kevin." And Scotty went on talking again for a while. He stayed on the terrace until the sun went down and no longer warmed his fur. He slowly stood up, stretched and went into the bed room.

"Mitchy? Avi?" He called. He found Avi in the kitchen finally putting away the last of the kitchen stuff.

"I see you and Wyatt are getting along," Avi commented as he nodded to Wyatt perched on Scott's shoulder.

"Hmm Hm! I was talking to Wyatt and Kevin on the terrace for a long time." His excitement faded quickly.

"I'm sorry. I was out there for hours. I should have helped." Scotty hung his head in shame.

"Hey, now. None of that. I'm glad you got to have some happy-alone-time. If we needed your help, we would have asked. You did nothing wrong." Avi stated. Scott's smile was smaller than before, but it was there.

Mitch came up the stairs as Avi and Scott were smiling at each other.

"Well if it isn't my two favorite boys! I never got around to finishing the spare rooms up stairs. But you can stay in our room for the night, Scotty."

They took that as their cue to head up to bed. Scott spent a half hour bathing while the other two made the bed and set up the TV on the wall.

As Scott walked out in his pajamas, he was called to join them to watch a movie. He ended up curled at the end of the bed with Wyatt, quickly falling asleep under a fuzzy blanket with a smile on his face and his purr rumbling in his chest. 

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