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Scotty was ecstatic that Markos accepted him, and even more so when he asked to take Scotty on a date. So ecstatic, in fact, when Markos asked the morning after the movie night, he didn't respond but ran over to Avi, picking him up and giggling.

"Don't tell me Scotty, go say yes to your boy!" Avi laughed as he was spun around.

"Oh, right. Yes, Markos, I will go on a date with you!"

"Wonderful, maybe next weekend we could go to the aquarium?"

Scotty agreed and they exchanged numbers and a hug before Markos headed home.


Scotty and Markos spend hours at the aquarium. Scotty was in love with the little fishes and the turtles. He was so in love with them, Markos insisted on buying him a stuffed turtle. Blue the Turtle ended up displayed on his side table, next to his Beyoncé coffee table book.

They decided to go for a walk to burn off the greasy food they ate on their date, and brought the bouncy Kirstie along, too. When they returned, Markos made it clear he did not want the date to end yet, so Scotty happily went along with that.

"Avi and Mitch are working in the basement, but we can watch a movie in the living-room on the big TV if you want." Scott offered. He let Kirstie off her leash and grabbed a blanket from the closet. Markos got comfortable on the couch and held his hands out for Scott to curl into. Scotty quickly grabbed a few bottles of water and some chips before pouncing onto the couch.

They snuggled together under the blanket as they set up the movie. Scotty rested his head on Markos shoulder and held his hand.

"Comfy, Scotty?" Markos whispered.

"Hmm Hmm. Thanks Marky."

"God, you're the cutest thing ever." Markos replied. Scotty looked up to thank him, but the words never made it to his mouth. All he could focus on were the lips in front of him, and Markos had the same problem. They both leaned in and closed their eyes. Their lips met gently and slowly.

Scotty broke the kiss by smiling, but quickly went back in for more. He was just leaning further into the kiss when he heard a noise behind the couch. He pulled back on peaked around the corner

"PAYBACK, BITCHES." Mitch yelled as he showed Scott a picture of the make out session from moments before. He pulled his phone away and ran around the living room in circles with his hands in the air.

"PAYBACK. This is what you get for walking in on me and Avi! PAYBACK."

Scotty buried his face in Markos' neck, who was laughing at Mitch's celebration.

"Mitchell Colby-Michael Kaplan, leave those nice boys alone. Where are your manners?" Avi teased before picking Mitch up and throwing him over his shoulder. "Sorry. Continue your making out or whatever." Avi walked away and spanked Mitch playfully.

"Put me down, Avi, I was enjoying the payback!" Scott heard Mitch yell as Avi ascended the stairs.

"Your families the best." Markos chuckled, "Do I want to know why he wanted payback?"

Scotty giggled, "I walked in on them having sex once. I was so embarrassed I couldn't look Avi in the eye for a week. But anyway, back to the fun part" he explained before he leaned in for another kiss before pulling away.

"That was my first kiss earlier, by the way." Scotty whispered.

"Not bad. Would you like some practice?"

"Yes please."

So the two boys practiced and practiced and practiced.

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