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After another hour or so of driving, they finally pulled into the driveway of the new house. Scott was in awe of how big it was. The exterior looked liked it was made of actual logs, and there were huge windows all across the front.

He saw the moving people carrying in furniture and boxes into the house through two different doors. TWO DOORS!

Mitch grabbed Scotty's hand to keep him close as they walked through the movers and through the beautiful front door.

"So, here's the main foyer. There's the bathroom right here. Now, this, my friend, is the main living room. It's two stories high and can fit all three of our coaches plus Avi's giant frickin' media center. And through there is the kitchen and dining room. But we can look at the boring stuff later. Let's check out the basement."

Scott just nodded as Mitch pulled him down the stairs, where one wall of the basement was entirely glass, including a sliding door that lead out onto the deck that was adorned with a hot tub in the corner.

"Down here is where Avi's art studio and your hobby area will be. Oh, and there's a bathroom through there, and a room we are going to make my studio through there. NEXT!"

Once again, Mitch pulled Scotty along, moving so fast Scott wasn't sure he even saw the rooms before they were moving on to the next thing.

Up two flights of stairs, they were now on the landing of the top floor.

"So, you can see this landing is opened to the floor below. There are four bedrooms on this floor. Here are three with one full bathroom. But at the end of the hall here is my favorite part. The master suite."

Scott was pushed through the door and was immediately stunned. There was the massive master bed room that could have fit six of Scotty's old room. A massive bed was sitting along one wall, and a few cozy looking chairs were sitting in one corner. Scott could tell that the room would be warm and inviting once everything was unpacked. His eyes finally landed on a sliding glass door leading out to a terrace with a second hot tub.

Mitch was gawking over the master bathroom and the walk in closet, but Scott couldn't help but walk onto the terrace. He leaned against the railing and let his ears perk up to really hear the nature around him. A tear rolled down his cheek as he stared at the view.

They weren't quite in the mountains, but a hug one was not too far away. Just past their back yard was a beautiful lake filled with ducks and circled by a dirt trail. The kind of trail that was never planned, but enough people decided to forge it. Scott saw a few houses dotted along the water. He though he'd like to make the trail a regular walk of his and he could make some new friends by stopping at each house along the trail, just the thought of it made his tail swish gentle.

He didn't realize he was crying until he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Mitch.

'What's wrong, Scotty. Are you okay?"

Scott nodded and gave Mitch a shaking smile.

"I'm super okay, Mitchy. It's so perfect." He said while trying to wipe the tears away. "Look at the trail around the water. I'd like to walk around it and make lots of new friends. I bet that blue house has super friendly people. I don't know why; I just think it does. And look at the duckies! I bet our puppy will try to catch them all the time."

Scott was quiet for a few minutes. He heard Avi walk in, but they all remained peaceful, until Scotty finally spoke.

"Thank you for giving me something to be happy about. I love you Momma and Papa."

Avi was full on weeping as he handed Kevin over to Scott, and the little bear was quickly squished into Scott's chest. The three (well four if you count Kevin the Bear) of them huddled together in a hug, Mitch and Avi somehow throwing their arms over the giant neko.

They heard the movers in the house working, but nothing was more important in that moment than their family. 

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