Chapter Forty Five.

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I walk into Harmony's room, jumping on her bed and tickling her. 

"AAHHHH WAKE UP" I scream. 

"Go away" She groans trying to push my hands away. 


"MUMMY SHE'S ANNOYING ME" Harmony shouts out to Camila. 

"Baby she's excited, just get up and she'll leave you alone" Camila pops her head in the door. 

"Don't make her those kind of promises, I'm excited, I could be annoying her all day.. You wanna know why?" I ask Camila. 

"Because we're going to the zoo" She rolls her eyes. 


"Lauren we get it, there's going to be loads of animals" Camila rolls her eyes. 

"Why can't you guys get excited with me? Ughhhh Where's Dinah when I need her" I groan and stand up from the bed. 

"We are excited baby, but you just woke us both up by shouting and jumping on us, we need to wake up first" She yawns. 

"Yeah yeah yeah" I huff and leave the room, heading towards the kitchen to make my small family some breakfast, before we have to leave. 

As I enter the kitchen my phone rings, Chris's name flashing on my screen. 

"Hey what's up?" I ask. 

"Is the coast clear?" He asks. 

"No not just yet, I told you 9am" I roll my eyes. 

"I know but I'm excited" He grins. 

"Me too, but just wait" I tell him. 

"Alright, see you later little sis, enjoy your day" Chris says. 

"Will do.. Bye" I hang up the phone, dropping it onto the kitchen side. 

"Who was that?" Camila asks entering the room. 

"Just Chris being a pain as usual" I roll my eyes. 

"Nothing new then" She smiles. 

"Never" I shake my head. 

"What's for breakfast?" Camila asks. 

"I thought that I would make pancakes, nice big breakfast so we don't have the little one complaining that she is hungry after only being in the car for thirty minutes" 

"You've come to know my daughter so well" Camila grins. 

"Yes, well enough to know I'm going to have to do three slices of bacon just for her too" I chuckle. 

"You spoil her" Camila grins kissing my cheek softly. 

"It's my job to, now go get ready mama" I smirk and slap her bum. 

"Yes m'am" She grins running out of the kitchen. 

I've grown so attached to this small family, I couldn't even begin to imagine my life without them now, it feels so right sharing my home with them, and waking up to Harmony every morning crawling into bed with us for five minute cuddles before she has to get ready for school, I love that I have someone to kiss goodnight and wake up to in the morning, someone I can come home to from work, to some people it may sound completely stupid, but it's something I have always dreamed of having, and to have that person be Camila, it makes the feeling so much more better, I can't even put into words how that woman makes me feel, but I know that I can see myself spending forever with her. 

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