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'Text me when you get over safely.'

A soft chuckle floated past my lips, every time we had a 'date' he would text me the same thing. A date out with Yoongi is rare and yet special. Over the 3 years we've been dating we've had exactly 3 dates out. This one though, this date I felt something big was about to happen. This past week I've been getting butterflies just by Yoongi's stares.

I can't get my hopes up though, a ring may not be on my finger by the end of the night, the date may just be a nice dinner and cuddle session after. Maybe.

I erased my nonsense engagement ideas out of my head as I walked through the crisp cold air. Seoul this time of year was brutal, yet beautiful. Students are stressed, tourism is low, weather goes to the negatives it feels like, and bts comebacks. Life with Yoongi brought excitement though. Before he walked into the cafe life seemed dull and boring and now I'm the luckiest fangirl on the planet.

'I see you.'

I texted back to Yoongi, peeking into the window of the fancy restaurant where I could see him smile at his phone before he looked up at me. I grinned back, walking into the warm setting and to the table he was awaiting me. Gosh, he looked so handsome in the black button up he was wearing.

"Hey beautiful." He kissed my cheek softly, a common greeting for him but never in public. "Someone's touchy..." I joked, causing him to chuckle.

"Don't get used to it." Yoongi joked back as he pulled out my chair for me to sit down.

Dinner started out as usual, conversing about tours and what are goals are for the new year.

"Can we run away?" Yoongi flat out asked, looking at me with his blank eyes that weren't kidding. "You couldn't do that babe, as much as I'd love to run away and explore with you, we have too much here."

A sigh was released out of his mouth as if he knew the exact words I'd say to him. And I didn't doubt he did know. "When will we ever be able to just....let go." Yoongi mumbled under his breath, making me frown a little. I placed my hand over his, giving him a reassuring smile.

"We can't just let everything go and forget, this is your life so please, let's live it." If only I knew the irony in this statement.

The course of the meal played out normally, but there wasn't anything about a ring involved in this. I wanted so badly to tell him I was ready and waiting, but was he? My thoughts scrambled away as we paid for our meal and made our way out the door, back into the frigid winter.

I could hear my feet dragging on the ground, trying to give him a longer time to pop the question. It had to be today. And if not today, then when? "-hey is everything alright?" I looked up at him and pondered if he had been talking this whole time I've been thinking.

"Uh, yea...just a little silent." I lied, looking back on the ground. "Then why are you walking so slow, it's cold." He held my hand a little tighter, pulling me towards the elevator of our apartment complex. I stopped and made eye contact with him. "Have you even thought about popping the question to me?"

Yoongi stared blankly at me, "What are you talking about?"

"Proposing Yoongi, we've been dating for three years and I just thought tonight was the night..." I let out a sigh before he pulled me gently into the elevator. The short way into our flat was quiet, he didn't speak or respond to my statement.

I felt ignored.

"Look I have to go back to the studio and fix up a couple of tracks before tomorrow, I'll be back sometime later..." Was all he said before grabbing his keys and leaving me by myself to wonder why he was acting all strange about proposing.

Did he not like me? Was he not thinking about us being long term or even married?

My mind chewed itself away as I sat on the couch, the TV blaring away in the background. My phone was blowing up from twitter and Instagram but I received a text from Jiwoo.

'Lemme see that ring girl! Xoxo'

I looked at my ringless finger and sighed, texting back 'no ring tonight but it's okay :)'

I've gotten over the whole ring part but I'm now concerned with what went wrong with what I said to make Yoongi silent and go to the studio at 9 p.m. I eventually managed to go to sleep on the couch, waiting for his return but sleep took over me as I feel into a heavy slumber.


Pounding. Pounding. Pounding.

My eyes opened to a bright living room around me, my brain slowly processing the loud and frantic pounding on the door. I quickly got up to answer, minding my pjs and bare face.

The door opened to reveal a worried looking Hoseok. "Rory..."

His words made my heart drop to my stomach, his worry spreading itself everywhere like a plague. "W-whats wrong?" I barely got out my question before he hugged me tightly. "Yoongi...h-he was in a car crash last night...c-coming from t-the studio...a d-drunk man hit him..."

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