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I breathed in some of the cold air slowly to clear my mind. It was really happening today. The wind gave a soft icy breeze as it swept my dress off the ground a couple of inches. It was peaceful compared to the chaos of running around inside. My mother called me one of the most calm brides she's ever met, but why would I need to be otherwise? I don't doubt anything about my future with Yoongi so even if something did go wrong today, it wouldn't change that Yoongi and I are in love.

I failed to hear the door to the balcony open but I was woken from my senses when I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist. I turned around and was greeted by Yoongi, smiling cheekily. "What are you doing out here?" I asked, resting my hands on his black tux. "I wanted a break from all of the guys playing video games." His fingers played with my long hair as he looked at me with a loving glance. 

"You know, if someone were to catch you out here seeing me before the ceremony, you'd get in trouble." I warned, a smile spreading on my features. "But you look so beautiful I couldn't help but to peak." His warm lips rested on my forehead, staying there for a moment. I didn't want to separate from him, I just wanted to stay like this, close to each other. 

But like most calm moments, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. "You're lucky I'm not Jin." A handsome man came out to join us, his hair was dyed to black and he wore a black suit like Yoongi. "Got tired of playing Overwatch with the boys?" 

Jimin nodded, tucking his hands into the pockets of his suit. "Yeah, Jungkook and Tae ruin it because they're too good." The breeze swept under his bangs as he observed the layout of the venue. "But they are getting curious as to where to groom has gone. Their minds have wandered to what they could do if they found you with Rory." Jimin warned, making Yoongi sigh. "If they ruin anything..." He gave me a soft peck on the cheek before going back to his waiting room, leaving Jimin and I alone.

"Are you ready for the big day?" Jimin said, turning his head towards me. After the incident in the closet, we've remained good friends and he understood that we couldn't be anything more than friends. "Nervous, but assured that this is everything I could've asked for." 

Jimin simply acknowledged me with a nod as he looked back out. "Well Mrs.Min, promise me you'll give me one last dance after the ceremony." He took my hand and softly kissed it, giving me a wink before he walked inside. I heard Jungkook comfort him after the door was  closed. 

I smiled to myself and observed the trees off in the distance, swaying slowly to the beat of of the pianist practicing. Everything was comforting about this day and I couldn't wait to meet the rest of my life. It was a new chapter to my life or yet a new book.

Everyone that I cared about was here with me, Yoongi, my family, his family, the boys, and Zack. Nothing could go wrong.


It started to rain during the ceremony that was outside. Many of my guests thought I would be stressed, but as I looked at Yoongi across from me as we held each others hands, I didn't notice my hair getting damp. 

"I remember those days I'd go get coffee just to see your face, my members called me absolutely crazy for dwelling on this random girl I only talk to over a counter, they told me I was literally paying money just to talk to her." Yoongi chuckled to himself when giving his vows. "But I was relieved she liked me too, not just for being an idol but for being myself. And I couldn't thank Rory enough for bringing the best of me when she saw the worst. And I know I'm not one to express my feelings well, but I love you Aurora and I want the world to know that." 

Yoongi rarely cried but here he was, crying with me in front of our friends and family. I wrapped my arms around him, not caring about the Korean tradition to keep a distance during the ceremony. His arms gripped my waist as he cried into my shoulder, "Thank you for choosing me." He whispered into my ear before he kissed my cheek. 

I gave him some space as I wiped the tears on my face. "Not sure how I could compare to that one." I joked, earning some chuckled from our audience. "Min Yoongi. You dangerous man." I started, giving him a smile that he matched.  "When I saw you first walk into the cafe, I couldn't comprehend what to even draw on your latte. I didn't want to expose myself for being a fan, yet I found myself being more than that after meeting you. I had a goal to make you feel happiness and on the way of this journey, I've discovered you are my own happiness. I know that you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with because I love you too minty head."

We put our rings on each other and were granted permission to seal our marriage. Yoongi cupped my cheeks and kissed me passionately, catching me off guard by how public he made this. But never the less, I grinned and kissed him back, gaining some whistles from people, started by Taehyung.

The reception was absolutely crazy. There was no problem having a lack of dancing because it seemed like a club rather than a wedding. The boys brought the party, that was for sure. Soon enough there was a dance circle, started by Jung Hoseok, who decided to bring me in and danced with me. Dancing with my bias on my wedding day with my bias wrecker, who would've thought?

And one by one I danced with the boys against Yoongi's complaining. I was dancing with Namjoon to Lemon (by NERD and Rihanna) until the song ended and Jimin offered his hand to me. "You promised." I rolled my eyes and chuckled before held my hand in Jimin's. Of course the song choice was "Wedding Dress" by Taeyang and I knew it had to do with his suggestion to the DJ before. He gave me a smirk, "Don't listen to the lyrics, because I'm comfortable with letting you go." He said to me with a smile as he led me in a slow dance.

"You have an odd obsession with Taeyang." I commented, making him laugh. "The reason why I do what I do actually." The whole dance between us consisted of a conversation we would normally have, something that felt comforting and reassuring. I couldn't be anymore happier seeing Jimin truly at peace with everything.

Yoongi coughed and split up Jimin from me when the next song played, "Yah, go slow dance with Jungkook." He joked, making Jimin chuckle. "Alright hyung, easy on Rory, she was dropping with Jin and Tae." He patted my husband on the back before going to join Jungkook at the dessert table. 

"Pretend you like me just for this one song." Yoongi whispered into my ear sarcastically before he pulled me close to him to dance to 'So Close' from Enchanted. Our foreheads glued together as we looked into each other's eyes, not a single word was spoken. It felt like our thoughts were in sync, because there was no need for conversation. We were both satisfied with each other's presence and the world around us stopped just for us in this moment. I couldn't believe this man was in front of me as my husband and he calls me his wife.

I was now and forever Min Rory. 



BiG ole explOsiON, fireworks the whole bit.

My hands smell like curry...a bit odd is it not?

OH HEY this is the end of the book by the way. if you couldn't tell lmAOO. 

Maybe an epilogue? OOo my friends wanted me to make Jimin bi and end up wit Kookie. they ship them so hard but we'll see idk.


XX Kasey 

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