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It wasn't a surprise to anyone to find myself right by Yoongi's unconscious body. I slept by his side, I read by his side, I kinda ate by his side, I did everything I could do in a hospital (other than pee gosh) by his side. Jimin and Hoseok tried their best to get me to step outside and get some fresh air. But getting fresh air without him isn't the same, it isn't the oxygen I need.

"C'mon Ror, you need to go outside, you look like a vampire with how pale you're getting." Jimin persisted, the usual nagging. "Then I'll be able to go to that skyrim cosplay meetup thing Jungkook and Tae are always talking about." I held Yoongi's hand tighter, getting annoyed with the two boys Big Hit decided to put here with me.

Hoseok laughed a little at my snarky comment while Jimin just crossed his arms in frustration to which Hoseok caught on and stopped laughing once he saw the little mochi all serious about me.

"Look Rory, I think what Jimin is trying to say is that you should take care of yourself more-" Jimin soon interrupted Hoseok. "You need to have fresh air, you need to see the sun, you need to eat more, you need sleep, you need-"

"I need Yoongi." I intervened, saying words that couldn't be any more truthful. "You don't think we all do? Yoongi hasn't been in the studio for weeks now and Namjoon is already freaking out without his favorite producer, we have to cancel our Japanese tour because Yoongi is here, the house is incredibly loud because he hasn't been there to tell everyone to shut up, ARMY have been wondering where Suga has went making it hard for all of us to come up with lies, the whole world needs him and I sure as hell need him as my hyung. So don't be so selfish." Jimin ranted, leaving Hoseok and I in shock. Never have I seen him so frustrated and angry.

Hoseok eventually led Jimin out of the room to cool off. I still had a blank mind, I didn't think I was being selfish, I just wanted my Suga back. But then again, everyone did.

I looked at the sleeping beauty, scars and stitches covered his beautiful face. A tear slipped out of my eye as I admired him. As I closed my eyes I started to sing I Need U. "We need you boy,
Wae honja saranghago honjaseoman ibyeolhae
We Need You Boy
Wae dachil geol almyeonseo jakku niga piryohae."

I finished my little melody and noticed Jimin was in the room. I wiped my tears and looked at him. "I'm sor-"

"No I'm sorry Rory, I shouldn't have exploded onto you like that...I just miss him too, and I do know that you miss him a whole lot as well." He smiled sympathetically towards me and that was the first time I saw him smile in weeks. It was beautiful. "Well I'm sorry as well, I didn't realize I shared my feelings with a lot of other people."

I looked down shyly after admitting my faults, a tear or two falling down my cheek. Jimin knelt down by my chair and tilted my chin up, wiping the tears before embracing me into a hug. "It's alright, we'll get through this together." I nodded slowly into his shoulder, letting myself give into his warm hug.

The rest of the night consisted of Jimin and I talking about past experiences and things to get our minds off of what was happening. We were on the balcony outside of Yoongi's hospital room, my first time getting fresh air.

"You know when I first met you I thought you were so weird." Jimin admitted, chuckling to himself. "I thought it was weird that Yoongi was so attached to this foreign barista who called him minty head and how you laughed at him when he tried to speak English, I remember thinking how odd it was that a girl who looked like an actual model liked Yoongi."

I laughed a little at Jimin's thoughts about me and my Yoongi attachment. "I'm sure it wasn't that hard to figure out after finding out that I was a fan."

"Even still, none of us thought Yoongi would be the first to get a girlfriend." A smile formed on my face, finding it a tad bit funny myself. "Or the first to get married." He added, making me tilt my head towards him. "What do you mean?"

His eyes widened, "He didn't ask you?" His face fell into his hands, looking like he did something wrong. "He's going to kill me once he wakes up." Jimin mumbled into his hands like it was the end of the world. I stayed silent, I didn't know what to respond. A new feeling of guilt came over me, not knowing that after all he was going to propose. If only I had patience, none of this would've happened.

Jimin soon went inside to check on Hoseok, leaving his jacket on my shoulders as I grimaced in my thoughts. Not a minute went by where I didn't think of Yoongi and the frustration he must have felt when I attacked him about our future together.

"Gosh, I'm such a jerk." I whispered to myself, looking up at the night sky covered in clouds. "I'm sorry Yoongi..."

I let myself doze off as I sat in the cheep lawn chair, dreaming of him. I couldn't understand why, but Selena's song popped in my head. It got me thinking about her and how her fans felt after the murder. The situation is obviously not the same, but ARMY must really miss Yoongi.

Just like how I do. Gosh, if only he could wake up tomorrow. I'm starting to feel like one of those Disney princesses who look up at the North Star and wish with everything they have. "Please let him wake tomorrow."



Don't know why I included Selena, but I do wish she was still alive. I also think her songs really relate to the story, so I'll be adding some of those into the chapters :)

And shout out to -no_offense for being a triggered lil bean, and also being my number 1 commenter.

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