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"Now go get him lion," Taehyung shooed me off leaving me confused. "Isn't it supposed to be tiger?" He just shrugged in response before leaving me in the parking lot. I looked around and sighed, will I regret my decision?

As I found myself in the lobby reaching for a complementary coffee, I saw Jimin rush over to me. I instantly turned around and took a deep breath in. I didn't think I would have to act upon my decision so soon. Right as I was going to turn around and greet him, he hugged me. "You can't just hang up like that? Were you hurt? Do I need to take you to the hospital?!" He examined me like I just fell down 70 flights of stairs.

I pulled his hands off of my shoulders and held them tightly. "I'm alright Jiminie, I just passed out in the parking lot, but Taehyung found me and got me water." I looked at him reassuringly and his face relaxed. "You worry me too much..." Jimin muttered softly.

I only replied with an awkward chuckle and he looked at me with a small smile. I could feel his face slowly coming closer to mine as we stood there in silence, his hand slowly made it's way to my cheek.

My mind went in two opposite directions, one part directing me to push him away and immediately friend zone him but the other part wanted me to see what would happen if I just stood there. His lips hovered over mine for a second but I shook my head away with out controlling it to, it was a natural reaction. "Jimin, this isn't right-"

Jimin gave a bittersweet smile, backing away a little. "I'm sorry Rory...you belong to someone else, and I can never be like him." He excused himself before walking away hurriedly, leaving me still and at a loss of words. Small tears traveled down my cheeks and I silently threw away my cold coffee.

I walked down the hallway to the elevators before I met a panicked Yoongi. Sweat dripped from his forehead and he looked at me in worry. "Yah, I've been looking everywhere for you! I thought you got kidnapped!" He said with a loud voice that all mushed together because of how quick he spoke. Before I could properly answer, Yoongi took me into his arms. "Don't ever leave me for that long like that again."

My mind emptied when he spoke to me, I felt like a child being scolded for running off in the super market. I let myself give into Yoongi's embrace, my heart warming up with each inhale he took. I looked over to the clock above the elevator, 11:13 PM. "Oppa, its late." I said barely above a whisper.

Yoongi chuckled, shaking his head before parting the hug with his hands firmly on my shoulders as he looked at me. "It's never too late to tell you I love you." In that moment I saw Yoongi, the green haired idol that came into my cafe after we were closed. The one who called me from work just to cuddle. The minty head that I loved. He looked around and sighed before slowly going down to his knee. My light eyes widened and my hands went up to my gaping mouth.

"And I hope it's not too late to do this. I've been an ass since I've woken up, but I can say that I still felt myself in a coma state, and now, seeing you and being with you, I'm awake and I don't want to waste anymore time not being with you. So with that...I want to be your husband and you to become my wife. I promise I will give you my whole heart full of love and respect if I receive the same from you." His shaking fingers fumbled around in his hoodie pocket before pulling out a dainty ring. I couldn't speak, this was all so soon.

I love Min Yoongi, this is everything I've ever wanted and I feel whole again, I forgot all about how sad I felt when I rejected Jimin. Jimin...is he okay? He looked up at me with teary eyes, "How long do I have to stay like this?" Yoongi let out a chuckle while I followed with a giggle, snapping out of my thoughts.

"You've had my whole heart for awhile." I answered and received a smile from him. He slowly stood up with a crack of his knees. "Is that a yes then?" His smile never left his face. I grinned and nodded, "Call me Min Rory." He wasted no time in putting the silver ring around my small finger and pulled me into another tight hug. We stood like that for a while, just embracing each other and listening to each other's heartbeats.

I couldn't help but to smile up at him, "You're a dangerous man, Min Yoongi." I pushed his chest a little with a chuckle. "Yah, I didn't hear the respectful 'O' word." He crossed his arms like a child, earning a roll of the eyes from myself.

"You and your damn kink." I mumbled before kissing him on the cheek in which he responded by quickly sweeping me off of my feet. "YOONGI-" I squealed from surprise as he put me on his back and I urgently wrapped my arms and feet around him. Yoongi smirked before going into the elevator and clicking our floor. "What are you doing?" I questioned but with no response.

The elevator soon dinged and I knew that meant doom. Before I knew it, Yoongi started running like we were being chased by Michael Myers. "BEWARE OF THE MINS!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. I was in a fit of laughter, wondering what the hell I just got myself into.

"KNEEL BEFORE YOUR KING AND QUEEN OF DAEGU!" Yoongi yelled again, followed by a bunch of weird phrases claiming our love. Namjoon opened his apartment door only to scold us. "The fuck are you two doing? We're trying to sleep." He said with his eyes squinting, trying to adjust to the hallway light.

A tired Jin appeared behind Namjoon with his arms crossed. "Min Yoongi and Aurora Ingrid Watson-" "It's Min now." Yoongi quickly interrupted his hyung, and soon regreted when Jin gave him the "look".

"I apologize Jin oppa, it's just when Yoongi is overly happy..." I implied that he gets loud and obnoxious and Jin nodded, his facial features relaxing from his glare. "Ah, you're the better half of this engagement." He softly patted my cheek and I smiled at him.

"Engagement?" A small voice peeked out of the same doorway, revealing a pale looking Jimin.


This is sort of unedited and rushed but I hope you guys like it! And the results of Rory's decision. Oh and I also didn't know if I gave Rory a full name or not so please correct me if it was different in the other parts of the story. I checked it over and I'm pretty sure but hey, I make mistakes lmao

Xx Kasey

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