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The blue sky moved slowly as the car drove on the streets of Seoul. I've never seen the grass so green and certainty never thought things could be so lively when everything was depressing in the hospital.

Leaving Yoongi for the first time wasn't what I had planned, but after living a hospital life for over a month, I needed fresh air and a better environment. Namjoon was the one to look at me and bluntly say, "You look horrible." Of course I responded in a snarky comment but I've come to realize I felt depressed and in this dark hole I can't get out. That's when I knew I had to leave the hospital. Or maybe my brain just needs oxygen.

We soon got back to the apartment, I was beyond excited to finally sleep in a real bed. The first thing I did was step into a nice bubble bath, where I read and listened to Michael Bublé as I relaxed. I felt myself slowly digging myself out of this hole I was in, my brain didn't feel as heavy or blank. I felt, life?

I drained the water before I wrapped a black towel around myself, my hair up in a bun. I made my way down the hall before hearing a noise come from the kitchen. "Please be a cat." I whispered to myself as my hands grabbed a pair of scissors.

My eyes came across a wild Jimin in my kitchen, cooking something on the stove. "What the fuck Jimin?" I said, catching his attention immediately to where he turned. His eyes bulged out of his head as his cheeks flushed to a bright red. "U-uh it's 7 and I-I t-thought you w-would want d-dinner and s-so I coo- you're n-naked."

I looked at him weirdly before realizing I was only in my towel. "Oh shit!" I ran to my room and quickly changed into leggings and one of Yoongi's shirts. I can't believe Jimin just saw me in a towel. My face blushed thinking about the embarrassing moment that just went on between us.

I slowly made my way back into the kitchen, seeing he was finished what ever he was cooking. "I'm sorry about earlier- I thought it was a cat or something." I sat on the counter across from the stove he was cooking over. He turned around s smiled, a faint pink still painted on the cheeks. "It's okay...I'm sorry I surprised you." Jimin chuckled cutely.

In response I giggled before he handed me a plate with hibachi chicken in it. "Where did you learn how to make hibachi?" I eat my first bite of it, not the best but I'll keep eating. "Jin hyung." Was all he said before devouring his meal, leaning against the counter across from me.

After our meal, we decided to watch a movie. I think Jimin felt bad that I was here alone, I don't think he'll ever leave. Our first movie choice was Scream. Bad choice. The whole time Jimin was jumping at ghost face and squealing at all the kills. When it reached the garage scene, he was tied to my waist, his head hiding behind my back.

"Don't look, she's about to be killed by the garage door. Rip." I said, engaging myself into a movie I've seen more than a hundred times. The rest of the movie consisted of me holding Jimin to protect him against ghost face, it was quite hilarious. "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?" He looked up at me from hiding. "Because, Scream isn't that scary...you know who it is like half way through the movie because it's obvious."

"Well it's scary to m-" Boom, another victim killer and he jumped to his safe place behind my back. "Alright, Alright...you get the next pick for the movie."

Out of my surprise, the little mochi picked 'La La Land'. I turned to look at him. "What?" I giggled and shrugged. "I don't know, weird movie choice for a guy."

"I like Emma Stone, okay?" Was his response back that made me laugh. "Of course." We started the movie around 9 pm so none the less, I was tired but watched it anyway. I casually rested my head on Jimin's shoulder, observing the characters in front of me.

A small smile appeared on my face as I connected the two characters to Yoongi and I. Yoongi loves piano and has such a passion for rap while I worked for a cafe as well. I miss Yoongi. I finally thought to myself. There isn't one second of the day where I don't connect something to him.

Would he ever wake? When will they tell the fans? What's going on in his brain right now? Is he thinking of me?

I sighed, shaking my thoughts away before returning my attention back onto the movie. The guy's character ended up on a tour for a band, even more like Yoongi. But I did end up having to go with them, not that I'm complaining.

Sadness swallowed me every time I thought about him, tears started to stream slowly down my face. The movie ended, the two characters not ending up together and that's what I'm afraid of. That's the fear that has been nudging at me the whole time.

"Rory, are you okay?" A worried Jimin looked down at me, laying my head in his lap. I quickly wiped my tears and nodded. "Yea, I-I uh just thought it was sad they didn't end up together." I chuckled dryly at the end of my statement, feeling sad when Jimin looked at me with pity.

At the end of the night, he decided to stay over and sleep on the couch. It took awhile to let me let him sleep there but I was tired and wanted to be alone.

As soon as I laid down in Yoongi's and I'd bed, my nose filled with the scent of him. Making me happier, I fell asleep on his side of the bed, listening to a song he recorded for me.

Whoop whoop.

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