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a/n --- pls listen/watch the video, it really relates to the situation

"Please, kiss me back..." Jimin looked helplessly in my eyes, holding my shoulders firmly. I couldn't look at him like this, it broke my heart in to a million pieces. "Jimin...I-I can't." A couple of tears started to drop from my eyes.

He stood silent for a couple of seconds and muttered a soft, "W-why not?" His head raised towards mine, only inches away. "I love Y-Yoongi..." I said quietly, my voice breaking with every breath.

"And I love you." Jimin said sternly, keeping his strong gaze. "I love you too much and I need to let you go. So please...I just need a proper g-goodbye." I looked down, trying to process my thoughts, but all I could think about was Yoongi. "I'm engaged Jimin."

Jimin chuckled dryly, making my heart drop to my stomach, it made me a little scared. "If I do this," He took the ring off of my finger and dropped in on the floor, making me gasp. "Then will you kiss me back?" He didn't give me any time to respond before pulling me into another one sided passionate kiss.

This time, it was my tears against both of our cheeks. My brain was fumbled into many emotions and thoughts. I shut my eyes and did the only thing I thought I could do to make Jimin feel better.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

I couldn't explain why I felt the need to kiss Jimin, as soon as I did, I felt bad. I felt guilt wash over me that Yoongi would find out. But why did I do this? I felt him gain hope as he moved his soft lips along with mine like we were in some breath-taking dance routine.

His hands circled around my waist, pulling me closer because he knew I would soon leave after this moment we shared. It was passionate, comforting, and wrong. The kiss turned from a quick goodbye to an intense make-out session in the dark closet. But Yoongi never left my thoughts. All I could imagine was his face if he saw us in this moment. Yoongi only wanted me to talk with Jimin. And yet, here I was, making out with his best friend to say goodbye. I was cheating.

Jimin separated from me, resting his forehead against mine as we stared into each other's eyes. Our breathing pattern matched each others. It was like all words were spoken into one kiss, we understood that it was going to be the first and our last.

We held each other in each other's arms. Jimin's voice broke the silence between us, "Your eyes, nose, lips." He said barely above a whisper. I couldn't help but to chuckle at his quotation. "Really, out of all times to say something, you quote Taeyang?" With this he joined in, chuckling as he brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Of course, it describes how I feel." He turned the situation serious again, heavy hearted.

I looked at him with teary eyes, hurt by his words. Eyes,nose, lips wasn't a happy song to be related to. "Don't cry, Rory." He wiped my tear that fell down my cheek. "I-I just want you to be happy..." I said, guilt would always be with me, no matter what decision I made.

Jimin looked at me, a sad smile formed from his plump, soft lips. "You and Yoongi belong to each other, I know that now." He cupped my cheek in one of his hands, his forehead still not leaving mine. I bit my lip and nodded a little. "I just need to see you happy, it won't hurt so much if I see you smile."

I gave him a small smile of sadness, one that was parallel to his. "I don't want you to look at me like this either, your eyes are full of pity." I looked down a little, knowing this was true, I had so much pity for him. "But, I want to make sure you're 100% confident. I won't be able to look at you knowing you feel the same as me, even just a little bit. It'll tempt me too much. I want you to be fully with Yoongi and I want you to be more than happy with that."

Jimin broke away from our embrace for a couple seconds and grabbed the ring that was left on the floor from before. He looked at me as he took my left hand. "Now, I need you to promise me this." I nodded, keeping eye contact when he rested his head against mine again, looking down at me as he held my hand.

"Promise me you love Yoongi with every part of you heart." Jimin said, slipping the small ring onto my finger slowly. "I-I promise I love Yoongi with every part of my heart." I repeated, tears softly going down my cheeks as I looked at him. "Promise me you're happy with him." He continued to put the ringer on my finger.

"I promise I'm happy with him." He gave me a smile and the ring reached the bottom of my finger. "Lastly, promise me you'll be always be apart of my life as my friend." He kept hold of the ring on my finger. "I promise I'll always be your friend."

Our intense moment was interrupted by a strong light that flooded the dim closet. The door was opened and revealed a face of pure shock. The position wasn't the best to be found in, Jimin looked like he was still putting the ring on my finger and our foreheads were together.

"What's going on?"




Very short chapter, whoops. Who you think opened the door? Was it Yoongi? Hosoek? Or was it just Jungkook asking for his Overwatch password?

But I felt a chapter between Rory and Jimin was needed, I feel so bad for making you guys emotional lmao. I'm going to try my best to make this not as painful as possible for Jimin bc he's a cute lil mochi that deserves love too. Hell, all the boys do.

XX Kasey

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