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a/n - a cute lil fluff to start the chapter ;-;

The next morning I got up with the other side of the bed empty. Which was weird because I always got up before Yoongi. I raised my eyebrow and led myself to the kitchen where I saw Yoongi trying his best to cook breakfast.

I coughed while waving the smoke away from my face. "The smoke detector is going to go off!" He wasn't burning anything, but the heat on the stove was too high and caused smoke to rise from the source.

"Yoongi turn the stove down!" I coughed and went over to help him, turning the fan on as he deactivated the smoke detector. And soon enough, the smoke started to clear. "That was close." He started to chuckle and I joined in.

We sat down across from each other and eat what Yoongi made. "You know, you aren't too bad of a cook, I think you should make me stuff more often." I suggested with a cheeky smile before stuffing my mouth full of rice that accompanied the dish.

"Woah there Rory, you're getting way too ahead of yourself." He shook his head and held my hand from across the table. "But nice try, babe." Yoongi gave me a wink.

I rolled my eyes and finished my meal, it's been a while since I've eaten a full one like this, I don't think my stomach is big enough for what I was consuming. But alas, I felt full and I took Yoongi's empty plate with mine before putting them away in the washer.

As I was doing so, Yoongi came up behind me, wrapping my body in his arms as he rested his head in my shoulder. I couldn't help but to giggle and kiss his head and continue to clean the counter top.

After our little breakfast time together, I had to go with Yoongi to his photoshoot for makeup purposes. I came out of the bathroom only to see Yoongi shake his head. "What?" I questioned, unsure what he meant. "You can't go out of the house looking this good."

I let out a sigh and pushed his chest softly. He's been really overprotective with the whole Jimin situation. "Yoongi-" Oppa." He instantly corrected as if it were a habit.

"Maybe I was actually going to call you oppa." I crossed my arms over my chest while looking at him, trying to hold in my smile. "Yea right. But I want you to change out of that dress." I looked down at my dress and gave him a confused stare. "It's a T-Shirt dress? How can this be in any way revealing?"

He tried to give an answer but I just shook my head, "I look good, embrace it, don't hide it." I gave him a wink before kissing his cheek and getting my jacket. "Damn your feistiness. I swear it's just westerners that are like this." Yoongi mumbled under his breath but I choose to ignore it.

"Let's go grumpy." I smiled and held my hand out for him after getting my big coat. He took my hand and we all piled up in the BigHit van.


"Rooorrryyyyy~" I heard Yoongi whine for the hundredth time while he laid on the couch. I paused on putting foundation on Hoseok. "For the last time, I have other people I need to put makeup on." I said, giving him a deathly stare. He quickly looked down at his phone while giving me a, "Got it."

Hoseok started laughing at me and my look. "Wow Rory, didn't think the man feared anything." He chuckled as I patted the cushion on his face. "I didn't think I could give such a look but here we are." I answered him with a giggle.

I eventually finished the makeup look with a satisfied smile. I was happy with the natural look the boys were going for now a days. "Finally, Hobi, go away." Yoongi said, shooing his band member out of the room while Hoseok just laughed, shaking his head. "Min Yoongi." I crossed my arms.

"What? I want to have alone time." He pouted. I couldn't resist the cute pout he gave so I kissed him gently behind Hoseok's back so he didn't notice. Yoongi gave me a quick peck back before the most of the other boys piled in the room. Yoongi gave a sigh of defeat and I patted his shoulder, "I'm going to go to the restroom." He nodded and I excused myself from the room.

I walked down the hallway of the building, on my phone and distracted from the open door that contained a person who pulled me in the small closet. "What the fu-"

The room was dark and seemed like an empty supply closet. I turned my phone on and the dim light revealed my kidnapper. "Jimin?" I looked at him confused before hitting his chest. "You scared the shit out of me, gosh, I thought I was going to be trafficked or something." He stayed silent, making my heart beat at an alarming rate. I was nervous to say the least. This didn't seem like Jimin.

He slowly lifted up my left hand with his warm one, observing the ring on my finger. "Are you happy?" Jimin asked softly, seeming hurt as he laced his fingers with mine. I couldn't answer right away because of the sudden situation I was in. I didn't want to hurt him.

"I-I am." I finally said but only to hear a chuckle from the other. "It took you too long." He said, taking my other hand. "I don't want to hurt y-" "Ssshhh." He hushed me by putting his finger over my lip. Jimin's actions would say he was confident and arrogant but his facial expression said otherwise. He looked beyond nervous, like he was second-guessing everything.

I stayed quiet for a couple of seconds before I noticed his hands getting clammy, "Jimin is everything al-" I couldn't finish my sentence because Jimin pushed me against the wall and kissed me with his soft yet forceful lips.

I didn't know what to do, my brain was all twisted and turned from the simple action I could've avoided. His hands cupped my cheeks and I could feel the new tears that fell down his cheeks as he kissed me. He pulled away, resting his forehead on mine.

Jimin stuttered with a tone of sadness, "Please...kiss me back..."



how you guys feeling?

oh and i need an opinion bc i thought of another ff idea that i really want to do. plus i think whoever wants rory to end up wit jimin might like it bc it's a jimin ff. i want to setting to be disney world and i wanted to know what princess sounds better for the main character to act as (for a job) - ariel, belle, rapunzel, jasmine, or anyone else ?

thank you for the opinions!

XX kasey

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