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Everyone went completely silent. It was like the whole world stopped when Jimin's eyes fluttered from me to Yoongi to the ring around my finger. His eyes started to get teary but he gave a smile to us. "I wish you too well." Jimin bowed respectively and quickly disappeared into the dark apartment.

I rested my head on Yoongi's shoulder, not wanting to see anyone at the moment. I felt like I was drowning in guilt over rejecting Jimin like this. Second thoughts about every decision I made in the past two hours swallowed me whole. It was all I could think about.

Yoongi apologized to Namjoon and Jin before entering our apartment across the hall. There was a constant lump in my throat that didn't seem to go away, causing me to forget how to breathe and all of the sudden I started to hyperventilate. I felt Yoongi put me down on the couch, kneeling close to me and cupping my cheeks. "Rory! Breathe!" He shook me gently and I just shook my head, tears started to stream down my face.

I was a mess, wheezing and crying with a lack of oxygen in my brain that caused black spots to appear in my vision. I knew exactly what this was ; a panic attack. I had these often throughout high school and college but they went away after meeting with Yoongi, he was my sedative.

"Rory look at me." A voice said sternly and I tried my best to focus on his soft brown orbs that put me in a trance.  "Focus on my touch." His hand was cupped on my cheek, his thumb rubbing gently on my skin as I looked at him. His other hand was slowly petting my hair. Yoongi's gentle touch sent small flutters of electricity to my spine. All of my senses evolved around him. I forgot about this feeling that gave me life.

"Now breathe for me, take a breath in with your nose," I breathed in through my nose, filling up my lower lungs and then my upper lungs. "Hold for 3, 2, 1," I breathed out through my mouth, my muscles began to relax, one by one as he coached me on how to breathe properly again.

His gaze never left mine, he wanted to make sure I wasn't in a panic state anymore. After a couple of minutes of guiding me, Yoongi kissed my forehead. I put my hand over his that rested on my cheek, afraid he would leave.

"I'm here, I'm with you and I will never leave you." His eyes met mine after kissing my forehead again. I nodded sofly, too jittery to respond but he knew that. He noticed me shaking and took me into his arms and immediately I felt a blanket of safety wrap around me.

It was late and everything from this past week caught up to me as I started to close my eyes. Sleep welcomed me willingly and I didn't even notice Yoongi tucking me into our bed and cuddling me to sleep.

My eyes opened to see a smiling face, giggling and laughing. My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, taking in the bright sun lit room that had soft hues of yellow. It was warm. "I made you a pie, I thought you would like it since they have those in America."

I sat up, still confused on where I was. "Where am I?"

"What do you mean? We're in our room..." I looked at him with utter confusion. "Our?" The small male chuckled and cupped my cheek. "You really are something, go ahead and get ready for the day, I'm taking you to the studio." He gently kissed me before shutting the door behind him.

I sat on the edge of the white bed with my eyebrow raised. I did as what I was told and got dressed, seeing him wait for me by the door. "You ready princess?"

"Princess?" This really shocked me. He only chuckled again and wrapped his arm around me, "You're my princess, are you not?" I didn't respond to this, instead I simply followed him out of the strange apartment and met some older looking male.

"You're late, your choreographer isn't going to be to happy." The tall man said to him. "Oh I just some complications this morning, I'm sure they'll understand." He responded and led me into the dance studio. "Park Jimin, what's the reason this time?" Another man said, waiting in the studio.

Jimin bowed, "I'm sorry, I had some problems this morning, but I'm ready to work hard." He ushered me to sit down against the large mirror where I observed him dance with his choreographer for the duration of two hours. I couldn't seem to wrap my head on what was happening. Why was it only Jimin practicing?

When Jimin took a break, he sat down next to me, sweaty and drinking his water. "Where's everyone else?" I said, still expecting Jungkook to burst loudly through the door. Jimin raised his brow at me, "Everyone else?"

I nodded, "Isn't Jungkook or Hoseok supposed to be here?" I questioned still utterly confused. "Jagi, are you pulling some prank or do I need to call a doctor? Do you have a concussion...? Did someone hit you!? Tell me who it is-" His voice quickened and I hushed him, shaking my head. "I wasn't hit by anyone." I replied quietly.

He looked taken aback and it was his turn to look confused. "BTS broke apart a year ago...Rory don't you remember?" Again, I shook my head and he sighed, looking away from me. "It all started when Yoongi left the group because you choose me." Jimin continued to talk, panic started to rise in my system again. "Tae soon left after and then one by one we all separated."

And it was like the ground started shaking like there was an earthquake, but Jimin acted like nothing was happening. "JIMIN?!" I cried out, wanting him to notice my panic but he just sat there.

"Rory...WAKE UP!" My eyes flashed open to see Yoongi straddled on top of me, shaking my shoulders to wake me up. I took a sharp inhale like I had been drowning under water for hours. "Yoongi oppa.." I said out of relief. It was only a dream, a nightmare almost. "I'm here babe." He took me into his warm embrace.

"You left- Taehyung left- Jimin-" Was all that came out of my mouth before Yoongi hushed me, rubbing circles in my back. "It wasn't real, I'm not leaving." He kept reassuring me until I started to believe his words. "I was so scared...I didn't know what was happening..." I softly cried into his neck. We stayed all cuddled up together until I calmed down again, Yoongi was the first to break the silence.

"You need to talk to Jimin."


Hah bet you guys didn't expect another chapter the day after I just uploaded but guess whaattt?! I did :p anyways, I'd like to start on another book but I know I probably shouldn't and just focus on the ones I have. I just can't get the book idea out of my head. Plus, I got a lot of school work ahead of me T.T

oh well

XX Kasey

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