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"What are you guys doing?!" A shocked Jin came in, his hands flying to cross each other. Jimin quickly went over to Jin, trying to clear our names from the most respected member. "Hyung, it isn't anything what it looks like." Jin looked at Jimin with a skeptic look and shook his head. "You, Park Jimin, are dangerous to be doing this. What if I was Yoongi?"

Jin then looked at me, and my heart sank to my stomach. "I won't tell Yoongi, no one would want to witness what would happen." Jimin gave me a look but return his glance. "This won't happen again, I've said my goodbyes."

"Goodbyes? Where are you going? Denmark?! You make this seem like some drama." Jin hit Jimin on the back of the head before pointing to me. "You, are you okay?" His question made me more than confused. I didn't answer. Jin took this and nodded in understanding. "Alright, come here, let's take a walk." He opened his arms and I looked at Jimin who was just as confused. "Yah, it's not everyday you get to hug Mr.Worldwide Handsome."

I laughed at Jin and wrapped my arms around him. Never did I ever think his broad shoulders would feel so comforting around my small frame. Plus, I was used to the shortest guys hugging me, it was nice to have someone a lot taller to hug. But I was shorter than all of them so it didn't make too much of a difference.

"And you, this whole little crush you have, you're promising you won't act on it anymore?" Jin said, keeping me in his embrace as he spoke to Jimin. It felt like Jin was like Sully, being broad and fatherly, talking to Randall or Jimin. Now that I think about it, that was a bad analogy and I need to get my brain out of the Disney gutter. "Yes, I'm going to pretend my feelings aren't even there."

"Good, this poor girl probably is traumatized with her own feelings, I feel bad." Jin looked down at me but I kept my head on his chest. "And I don't want Jimin feeling bad either, so Jimin, I'm always down the hall from you so if you need to talk about it, I'll be there." Jin put a hand on Jimin's shoulder and he nodded.

"Alright, c'mon Aurora." Jin kept an arm around my shoulder, I stayed silent. It was like being so much in shock about what just happened I couldn't speak. Jin walked with me to the makeup room but stopped before entering. "I really do feel bad for you, I apologize on behalf of both of my younger brothers, they shouldn't have acted so selfishly." He rubbed my back  comfortingly and I started to tear up.

Everything came to me at once, the accident, the coma, the engagement, and Jimin. "This kid." Jin pulled me into another hug and comforted me. "I know it's hard when you have two hearts that love yours, but only one shares yours in return. And we both know who that is. Jimin will be sad and upset, but he will become happy again, I promise. He has to, because in the end, it wasn't meant to be with him. The universe will have his meant to be and that isn't you. So please, don't confuse feelings of pity for feelings of love." I wiped my tears and nodded at Jin. "So let me see the Rory I met when we caught you cuddling with Yoongi, the one who had to come all the way to Japan just for Yoongi to take a pill, the beauty who loves the beast aka Min Yoongi because we all know how that jerk is when he wakes up."

Jin made me laugh, my eyes drying with his touching speech. I love these guys, they all have great therapeutic techniques. I couldn't ask for more. "Thank you Jin oppa." He just smiled sincerely at me before patting my head. "Anything, but don't let Yoongi hear you call me that, god forbid you call someone else oppa." This made me giggle again, I wasn't the only one to notice this.

"Oh, before you go in." Jin went through his pockets and pulled out a tissue and a compact mirror. "You have a little mascara under your eyes." He handed the two things and I quickly cleaned myself up so I looked somewhat presentable. "Alright, now, let's go in together." He linked arms with me before opening the door.

Yoongi was sleeping on the couch, big surprise. The members all looked up from there phones and laptops before I gave them a cheeky smile. I put my fingers to my lips and tip toed over to Yoongi. I rubbed my feet on the ground like a bull ready to charge. Jungkook let out a little chuckle and all the members hushed him.

I ran the short distance and pounced onto Yoongi's sleeping form. Not too hard, at least I think it wasn't. Too late now. "You woke the beast." Taehyung said in his ungodly deep voice. I heard Yoongi groan in response and I quickly hid my head in his shoulder, giggling. "And you must pay for waking a beast." I heard him mumble against the pillow and I got scared.

Yoongi moved and took me by the waist. I squealed in response and squirmed but I noticed Yoongi's weak coma state was gone, the few practices and weight lifting classes he's been doing with Jungkook has really come to my attention at this moment.

"Don't mind me guys, I'll be back with this one in an hour or so, and she'll need me to carry her back as well."

All the boys 'oooooh'ed at Yoongi making me smack his shoulder and Jungkook quickly covered his ears. "Min Yoongi." I squirmed in his grip. Before he could reach the knob, Jimin opened the door and took a small step back. Jimin's eyes shifted from me to Yoongi and instead of the sad, hurt look he usually gave, he gave a genuine smile. "Go get her, hyung." Jimin patted Yoongi on the back and joined the rest of the boys. His action made everyone a little, surprised. But everything felt normal again.

"Don't you guys have a photo shoot?"



what a happy ending :,)

lmao jk muahaahahahahaahhahha but thumbs up for a happy jimin, he deserves it.

I'm trying to update this story as much as possible before my college classes really start assigning crazy homework.

XX Kasey

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