epilogue +1 year

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I smiled to myself as I knocked on the door before entering the dance studio once more. Even from the door I could hear all the chaos going on from the dance practice. They were loud and it got louder once they saw me come in.

"RORRYYYY!" They all yelled not insync and piled over to me with my arms full of food for them. I liked surprising them with meals when they were working hard, the boys were all sweaty and gross. I hugged all of them but Yoongi immediately yelled a loud "Yah." to get everyone's attention.

"Why are you here? I told you to rest at home." Yoongi said, wrapping his arm around me as he kissed my head. I shrugged, "I was bored and I like seeing all the boys." Yoongi signed and knew he couldn't stop me from my stubborness. "Oh plus, look at this." I placed his hand on my stomach and hummed the melody of Mic Drop.

The fetus inside of me kicked lightly and made me giggle. Yoongi's face brightened up just at feeling our child moving inside of me. It was the first time we felt anything from her. "Holy shit." He said under his breath and Taehyung swiftly came over with a mouth full of food. "I wanna fweel!"

His hand lightly touched my stomach and I did the same thing I did with Yoongi. If I thought anyone could more excited than Yoongi, it was Tae. His face lit up like a kid on Christmas as he jumped around squealing. "I'm going to be the best uncle!"

This statement however, caused a deathly war and commotion among the other boys. There was loud screaming and I started to get a horrible headache. "Here Babe, sit down." Yoongi ushered me to a chair and helped me sit down.

Yoongi was unexpectedly an amazingly caring father. He did everything he could to make sure I was okay during this nine month process. Yoongi would make me breakfast, leave notes in the fridge for lunch, bring home dinner, cuddle and watch movies with me, rubbed my shoulders after I'd rub his, and showered me with love 24 hours of the day by sending me texts to make sure I'm okay.

I'd get the occasional

'How are my baby girls?' Or 'What's the crave of the day, Oppa will bring it home.'

I didn't know I could love him even more through this process more than I did before. But I'm absolutely whipped for my own husband.

"So Mins, what are you naming the girl?"

Jin was always asking this question as his curiosity continued to grow. We were going to keep the gender a secret but Jin found out when he snooped in our apartment. Yoongi cleared his throat and I smiled sheepishly.

This question was a common argument among the two of us. "I would like the name to be Anastasia, Ana for short." The boys looked at me confused. But the only one to get it was Namjoon, of course.

"Like from the famous Russian princess of the late Tsar Sir Nicholas II, Anastasia, they were the last of the Russian monarchs in the early 1900's before they were brutally murdered. However it is speculated that Anastasia's body was never found so there was hope that she was still alive. Then Fox made this into a movie." He explained thoroughly to the boys that looked at him with blank faces.

I didn't expect anything less that their blank looks from my "white" name idea as Yoongi put it.

"I think it's kind of cute. Anastasia." Jimin said with a classic eye smile, knowing his comment would offend Yoongi. And it did. "Min Ana sounds adorable." Jungkook added, not making the situation better when the boys agreed after.

Yoongi let out a rough sigh and massaged his temples. I, on the other hand, was laughing. "What did you want the baby's name to be?"

"Glad you asked. I thought Molly would be a lovely name." He cracked his knuckles to get silence from the boys. "Molly?" Hoseok questioned as it was a unusual answer.

Anastasia was different as well but Molly was just...old fashioned? It reminded me of this American Girl Doll I always saw when I was younger.

"Isn't that a little too similar to Holly?" Hoseok commented again as we all bursted out laughing because it was true. Yoongi had a weird love for his dog. "NO IT ISNT!" He defender cutely, I wanted to hug him but I couldn't really get myself up.

"Anastasia it is."



Awwww I think I'll upload a bit more epilogues like this but what do you guys want to read about Rory and Yoongi? Commeeenttt ->

And / or should I do a character Q&A? Idk

Anyways, yes I am back and trying my best to update everything lmao.

Doesn't help that I'm about to have musical rehearsals bc I'm doing a big solo this time whoop whoop. Hint as to who I am playing is in this very chapter ;) see if you can guess it. The girl/boy that gets it first will be the person that Jimin ends up with. ;;;;)))))


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