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"Hello?" A nudge was directed towards my shoulder. I started to stir in my deep sleep, a pounding headache reached my forehead. Opening my eyes, I saw a blurry person that was crouched down next to me, but I could tell he was tall. The person greeted me with a smile of relief. "Thank god you woke, I thought you were dead!" Immediately I recognized the deep voice. "How long have you been here, Tae?" He turned his head down to look at his expensive watch. "Maybe an hour?" Taehyung shrugged and looked at me with a smile. "And you didn't call an ambulance or anything?" I let out a laugh at how clueless this kid could be sometimes.

"Well you were breathing, I figured you weren't here for more than an hour." He answered before seeing me trying to sit up so he helped me. My vision cleared and I saw the darkness out of the parking deck. "Why exactly were you out at this time?" I questioned, getting a smile of excitement from him. "It's a full moon tonight, I like to observe the stars on nights like this, makes me think deeply about things, the moon is very powerful you know." What he was saying seemed very serious to him when one might think it was childish. But to me it sounded intelligent and magical.

I looked at the outside and then to him, "Powerful enough to answer my conflicted questions?" I let out a dry chuckle to show my sarcasm and helplesnness. But Taehyung nodded confidently with a smile and offered his hand out to help me up. "Let me show you my favorite spot to look at it." I accepted his offer and lifted myself off of the ground, still a little dizzy and off center.

Taehyung put up his finger and said, "One second." He quickly went to one of the vending machines and got a bottle of water with peanut butter crackers. "Water for hydration and peanut butter for protein, should help with your dizziness." He handed me the bottle and crackers and earned a smile for me. "Thanks Tae...does this happen to you a lot?" Taehyung nodded and hummed. "Yes, happens to all of us after performances."

He led me to the edge of the building and there was a balcony that held a bench. "I've never noticed this before." I looked around, this was hidden but really cool. "No one observes a parking lot, except for me." He chuckled deeply and sat down before patting the space next to him.

I sat down on the cold seat and bundled into my coat and scarf from before. The smell of Yoongi's cologne filled my senses. Shaking my head, I looked up at the moon and gave a sigh. "What do I do?" I mumbled and closed my eyes, absorbing the dim white light coming from the moon. Taehyung shuffled a little and patted my shoulder. "I heard hyung was giving you a hard time...I can't say Jimin makes it better." He gave out a sigh as well before I opened my eyes and continued to look at the moon. I took a sip of my water to clear my mind.

"You're right...the both of them are pulling my heart, one in a negative way and the other in a positive." I laid my head back to rest on the back of the bench. "Are you sure you have a full understanding of which one is the positive and which is the negative?" Taehyung raised his eyebrow at me in question. This made me ponder over my thought process, he had a point and I didn't know which was which. "All I know is Yoongi hyung cares a lot about you, you're all he sees in his future. He just can be immature when it comes to those feelings, he gets jealous over you all the time." He chuckled to himself, looking down at his lap.

"And Jimin?" I asked, turning my head towards him. "Jimin, well Jimin is lonely. He constantly worries about how fame and if he could ever get a serious partner or not. But I don't question he thinks this could be you. You're one of his closest friends and he's one to do anything and everything for his friends, something we all love about him." The taller guy nodded as he finished, satisfied with his statement. I looked down and frowned, "Jimin has really shown me kindness when Yoongi hurt me."

Taehyung turned to look at me, "What Yoongi did, wasn't okay and I understand that, but it shows you he does care a lot about you...in a weird way. He isn't exactly the most warm person but I know without a doubt he cares and loves you. Love makes us all do things we don't understand."

I slowly nodded, taking in his words and deciding what they meant to me. I opened the plastic to the crackers and eat one. "Love certainly hurts." I mumbled with a mouth full of dry crackers. "It does, but it's the ones we love the most who hurt us the most. If Jimin ignored you in the way Yoongi did, would you be as hurt?" He reversed the roles.

"I'd be upset...but not as much as I am with Yoongi." I let out a sigh, my mind getting more and more confused. "You seem distraught with what you said, do you not believe it?" Taehyung questioned, tilting his head at me.

"It's hard to believe that I could love Yoongi so much, but is it worth all of the saddness?" I rubbed my face in my hands before looking up at the moon again. "Jimin makes me feel comfortable." I said quietly before Taehyung chuckled, "That's Park Jimin, one hard working and kind individual."

I nodded with a smile. "He's so kind and warm...why can't Yoongi be like that?" Again, another sigh left my lips. "You've never experienced Yoongi being warm and kind?"

That was a lie, I have, many times before his accident. "Keep in mind he might have brain damage from the accident as well, all will heal." Taehyung joked making me giggle a little. "That's true...but again, I feel unsafe around him right now but safe near Jimin."

"All because he feels like he needs to defend what's his." Taehyung shrugged and laid his head on his arms behind him. "And how can I be sure he would go back to normal?" I asked, desperately looking at Taehyung.

"Are you sure you could live without Yoongi hyung?"



OooooooTaehyung has a point or two but which side are you on? :)

I'm so happy I decided to bring my bias into this chapter, I love Tae so much and I feel like he would give good and well thought advice.

Xx Kasey

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