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"Don't fucking touch me Jimin." Yoongi growled, receiving everyone to take a step back. Yoongi didn't get angry often, and it was rare that he would act upon his anger so his sudden burst against Jimin, one of his closest friends. "Yoongi..." I said quietly holding my hand out to him, hating to see his eyes look like burning flames.

He just looked at me before grabbing my wrist. It startled me at first and caused Jin to come forward, "Yoongi, take a breath and think about it." It felt like all of the sudden Yoongi's eyes softened when they made eye contact with my teary ones when he heard his hyung's words.

His hand loosened grip around my wrist as his gaze fell to the ground. "I thought you were mine and I was yours." Yoongi muttered under his breath before weakly getting up from his chair and walking out the door. "Where is he going?" Jungkook asked innocently, receiving a slap on the back of his head from Hoseok.

"Rory?" Jimin spoke, looking absolutely guilty and scared. I let myself look at him, "It's okay Jimin." I spoke softly, resisting the urge to hug his slumped frame that made my eyes tear up even more. He looked like a rejected puppy after eating off the counter.

I slowly got up to follow after Yoongi but Taehyung stopped me, "I think hyung needs to cool down. Don't worry Rory, he just needs to think." He gave a small smile that made me feel reassured in a way. That's one thing I admired about Taehyung, he was silly and goofy but he was good at making everything better, being serious or silly.

"This will all blow over, we'll talk to Bang PD nim tomorrow and figure what will happen from here." Namjoon said calmly, pulling up his contacts on his phone, stepping out of the room, out to look for Yoongi. I took a deep breath before picking up my phone. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Hoseok questioned sitting down next to me.

"I need to see what everyone is saying." I replied, receiving hundreds on notifications per second. "I think your phone is going to crash-" Jungkook said, looking over my shoulder at my phone.

I pulled up Twitter and then Instagram, most were hurtful, calling me a whore and a disgrace to the ARMY while a small percentage backed me up with sense,

Rory is friends with all of Bangtan, her and Jimin both are close to Yoongi and probably needed to grab a coffee, that's common with friends! Give them space.

Really allkpop? Who trusts this site or army's who disrespect privacy anymore?

Even the slightest of kind comments made my head clear up and fight against the negative thoughts circling themselves around my brain. "When can we all go back home?" I muttered softly, barely above a whisper. The answer was only one more week in this hell. (Ik people with comas tend to stay more after waking but work wit me)


It was our third day out of the hospital. Namjoon had spoken to Bang PD and came to the decision to simply ignore the rumors respectively and be cautious with what friendly actions occur between any of the other members and I. Out of this somewhat good news, there was still the bad side.

For the past week and a half, Yoongi hasn't uttered a word to me. Sharing a room wasn't an option so I slept in the guest room or Jungkook's old one. Most of the time I felt like I was speaking to myself rather than a human being. I wasn't doing well either, this cold weather caused my throat to dry up as I continued to feel weaker and weaker. This sickness combined with not being talked to felt like my own coma and that was worse than the depression I felt without Yoongi.

The only thing keeping me sane was my book library in the living room, most of which I stole from Namjoon. This morning I quickly grabbed a book from the shelf and silently scattered into my room, not wanting Yoongi to see me in such a low state. I looked like a living skeleton, my face turned pale, complemented with heavy bags that were under my dull eyes.

Yoongi left the apartment around 9 am to work at the studio with Namjoon, this used to mean I could finally spend my day in the living room but since I knew I was sick, I didn't want Yoongi catching this as well. So I kept to myself in my room, silently reading a book about Norse Mythology.

Around lunch time there was a knock at the front door, in which I thought was the mail person so I ignored. But after a few minutes, the door opened and in came Jimin carrying a bowl of soup. "Rory?" His eyebrows raised, seeing my sickly form huddled under blankets in the corner of my room. I looked up at him and gave a worried glance, "You can't be here...what if someone sees?" At this point I was more than paranoid, all of my moves seemed to be recorded at every moment.

"If netizens want to criticize me for taking care of my sick friend, then let them." He gave a small smile before sitting down in front of me. I let out a sigh, my voice hoarse from the lack of communication. "You'll get si-" He stuffed a spoon full of broth into my mouth. "Just accept my kindness." He joked a little and I gave him a glare before taking the bowl and spoon, sipping the soup carefully. My belly felt warm and full, almost ignoring the nausea I felt before. "When's the last time you've eaten?" Jimin questioned, observing my slim figure.

"Well, I didn't want to infect the kitchen or living room so around 4 days ago I had an apple." I recalled, in the meantime I've been living off of the water I had in the bathroom. "Rory, you need to eat, it's the only way you'll feel better."

I scoffed, shaking my head at his false statement. "I've been treated like a waste of space for the past week and a half, I don't need food I need Yoongi." I started to tear up, just wanting to hear Yoongi's soft words but instead I had Jimin wrap his arms around me. I should've shrugged him away but I needed something, someone to treat me like a human. We stayed like that for a while, I cried softly into his shoulder as he comforted me.

The rest of the day Jimin stayed over and skipped dance practice with J-Hope and Jungkook. Instead he made sure I consumed toast or some sort of healthy food every two hours and made me take vitamins to get more nutrition. He even took the small TV he had in his apartment and put it in my room so we could watch Disney movies.

It was later in the evening and Jimin put in The Little Mermaid, chuckling at my excitement because it was my ultimate favorite movie. "If you dyed your hair red, you would look exactly like Ariel." He smiled, picking up a couple of strands of my hair. "Oh please, I look more like Eric's dog, Max."

The front door opened and closed with a slam, causing the both of us to freeze in our places. I was laying towards the end of my bed, on my stomach as Jimin froze in the beanbag chair at the edge of my bed. Yoongi's soft foot steps came closer and close the my room before peaking in and giving a scoff. "Isn't this adorable?" He muttered. I should've been scared but I was happy, he finally acknowledged me.

"Are you serious hyung?" Jimin got up bravely facing him at the door frame. I just sat still, now scared something would happen if Jimin continued to pester. "Are you serious Jimin? I leave to work hard on our new album and here you are, skipping practice and fucking with my girlfriend!" He got louder at the end of his statement. "Fucking with her?! You honestly think that's what's happening? I came to take care of her because you won't even treat her like a living thing! She hasn't eaten in 4 days because she cares about your ass not getting sick! How can you even call her your girlfriend? You don't even deserve to call her a friend after the way you've treated her!"

Never in my life have I seen Jimin use such language against his hyung, especially Yoongi. I haven't really seen him act in any such way against anyone, it made my worry grow. This was all because of me.

"You piece of shit-" Yoongi started, grabbing the hem of Jimin's shirt before I quickly stepped in the middle. I tried to say something but all I could do was look into his dark brown eyes. He let go of Jimin's shirt and huffed, turning to walk away but I stopped him by wrapping my arms around his torso. All I could think about was the same feeling of his warmth and comfort that made my stomach erupt into butterflies like the first time we touched.

"Why did you leave me alone?"



Thank you to everyone who waited through my writer's block/break. The past month has been incredibly tough but I want to start of the new year with positive feelings

Xx Kae

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