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I floated in a black abyss, surrounded by memories that filled the abyss. I looked over at a memory I remember where I realized Yoongi's passion that drove my crush for this talented man.

It was another cold spring day in the cafe, Yoongi was my last customer of the night and of course, he took his time finishing the lyrics of a song he had been working on. "You really are passionate about producing music." I say down across from him at the table, finished from all of my chores. "You have no idea." Yoongi commented under his breath. But at the time, I completely had the idea of who he was and how famous his lyrics are. I rested my chin on my knuckles and smiled a little. "Can I see it?" I questioned, causing him to raise his eyebrow. "I mean, I guess you could, but I'd have to kill you after." He said with a straight face, scaring me a little but I caught on. "Oh, don't worry, with this college debt that doesn't sound half as bad." I joked back, earning a laugh from him. He handed over his song lyrics, in which they sounded like a perfect poem. Spring Day was the title.

"How much more do I have to wait?
How many more days do I have to stay up all nights?
Until I can see you? (until I can see you?)
Until I can meet you? (until I can meet you?)

Until this cold winter ends
And the spring comes again
And until the flowers bloom again
Please stay there a little longer
Please stay there"

"Rory?" I heard the angels from heaven speak, asking for myself to open my eyes. I stirred a little, hearing the angels that sounded like Min Yoongi.

I blinked slowly, my heart beat went from slow to a rapid pace of freak out. "I'm not having another illusion am I?"

When Yoongi stood there over me and shook his head, he had a lollipop and gave me a smile. "Am I dead?" I asked again, my mouth agape. He was truly beautiful.

"I'd hope not." His voice cut my soul into pieces like Voldemort's horcruxes. "Y-you're...alive?" I uttered out, still thinking the man above me was an angel sent from above to tell me my time has come.

Yoongi let out a soft chuckle and nodded, "I'm awake and alive, yes. My arm is still healing, but I'm here." I couldn't comprehend anymore before I just sat up and hugged him tightly. "I've missed you so much, how dare you leave me like that Min Yoongi?" I hit his chest softly, crying.

"I can see you've made yourself comfortable in my wardrobe." He let out a chuckle, rubbing my back after kissing my cheek. "You're right, you being in a coma gave me the chance to steal all of your wardrobe." We both laughed in each other's arms.

The rest of the boys came in and laughed, making fun of the tears coming down my cheeks. "Rory was such a mess." Jungkook commented, patting me on the back before Taehyung decided to make it worse, "Yea hyung, she smelled so bad."

I turned around and gave him a look that made him act like he didn't say anything by taking his cup and drinking it. "Sip your damn tea." I glared while everyone laughed.

"So when can you come home?!" I cut of the silence by sitting up towards Yoongi, purely admiring whatever dream I was in. He chuckled, "They have to check on some things but hopefully tomorrow." He rested his hand on my knee, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed that I was laid in from passing out.

Jimin rushed into the room and hugged me tightly, "Our Rory is back!" He said against my shoulder before the rest piled onto the hug. "I'm suffocating in this."

Yoongi sat back with his arms crossed and just laughed at the sight he saw. "Min Yoongi- help-" I breathed out and pretended to pass out again, the boys back off with fits of laughter. "Aish, not again Rory." He mumbled, shaking his head with a smile.

"Don't worry, world wide handsome will wake the sleeping beauty." Jin jokingly threatened Yoongi by hovering over my act. "I've been gone for a month or two and you idiots are trying to steal my jagi." With that I opened my eyes and grinned widely. "Jimin is the one-" Taehyung started before Hoseok hit him on the back of the head.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow as I sat up from the hospital bed I blacked out into. "What?" His small brown eyes blinked, catching myself off guard from his utterly attractive face. I knew I missed him a lot but not to a point I progressed back into an absolute fangirl.

Everyone looked around at each other while Yoongi looked confused. "Hyung nothing happened-" Jimin said, giving a worried look. I on the other hand, was just as confused as Yoongi. Yea, pictures of us at the cafe were bound to be leaked but I didn't think it meant anything.

"Obviously something fucking happened." Yoongi said calmly looking at Jimin, earning a step back from the other boys. "I'm confused..." I said softly, looking around at them. Namjoon was the one to pull up the article and pictures on his phone.

BTS's Suga's now EX girlfriend, Rory is seen on date with Park Jimin.

My eyes read over the words as I try to comprehend. "W-what-?" I look up to Namjoon and then to Yoongi who was looking at it on his own phone. His expression went from purely confused to absolutely pissed. His eyebrows furrowed together as he scrolled through the pictures. I have to admit, it looked like we were dating but it was way out of context.

But Yoongi didn't look too happy. "Hyung, it wasn't a date-" Jimin reached out to Yoongi's shoulder in which he rejected and slapped down.

"Don't fucking touch me, Jimin."

Ooooo he is PISSED...agust d?

Tbh I love these cliff hangers I leave everyone on. Muahahaha

Xx Kae

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