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Hospital food is gross. Why can't there be real food that tastes like real food? Good that gives people hope of seeing nature again. Instead I sit here, starring canned chicken and applesauce, forced to think about my boyfriend whom is undergoing a life or death surgery.

Life or death. Why couldn't I get my mind to stop repeating those words? Life or death.

"Rory, are you going to eat?" Jimin pointed out, a look of worry sketched across his child-like features. I nodded, hesitating to eat the lifeless meal before me but the fork somehow made it into my mouth. It was the hand of Hoseok that held the fork. "Sorry...I knew you weren't going to eat it yourself and you look a bit pale..."

They both looked at me worriedly, like I was a fragile little girl who had been bullied all of her life.

Hoseok and Jimin were the only ones here with me, the rest of the boys had to make it seem everything was okay for ARMY so they were at the recording studio, fake music making. "We are all very worried about you Rory, you haven't spoken in a couple of days since the...the acident."

I still sat there, no words to be spoken out of my dry lips. It wasn't an acident, it was a wake up call. I woke up from my dream of reality that thought everything was rainbows and bear decorated caramel lattes with soy milk and extra sugar.

A small tear made its way down my pale cheek, surrounding myself with memories of the cafe. I didn't seem to notice the pair of arms wrapped around me. Was it my guardian angel sent from the clouds here to tell me my soul mate would be taken from me?

It was just Jimin. "He'll be okay Noona." I smiled at the pathetic words that I've heard more than I can process. "I don't know." Was all I said for the first time in a couple of days. The two boys must've been surprised at my voice. Did it change?


The night had carried through, Hoseok and Jimin were passed out in the blue chairs beside me, but I stayed awake. The doctor could be out any time now to carry the news that decided my fate with Yoongi.

I saw the man in scrubs come down the hall with a clipboard in hand, ready to give me the news. His eyes seemed like he has done this before, but saddness still filled them. "I'm sorry." It felt like a movie line that never seemed to make anyone in the theatre happy. And I was in that theatre. "His conditions were too fatal, we couldn't save him in time."

My heart had dug its grave already, a funeral was to be made and it wasn't just Yoongi's, but my own. I knew my soul had been taken with his, but somehow, my body was still living. Hoseok was completely silent while Jimin took it all in at bits and pieces, crying what was left in his body. And yet someow this didn't feel right. It wasn't right. It was all wrong.

A pair of arms shook me, waking me up from this nightmare I had when I fell asleep sitting up. It was the doctor, but not the one from my nightmare.

"He is alive. Broken and sleep fills him, but alive." The doctor's words breathed the life I felt being taken away from me back into my spririt. "Sleep?" I asked, still in a state of mind that he was dead.

"Coma, Min Yoongi is in a deep coma, its unpredictable of when he'll awake, but we assume it will be a while." He said, holding onto the clipboard. "But he's alive." I said, reassuring my hazed self that my other half was living. "Yes, alive and guaranteed to wake."

"Can I see him?"

He nodded, smiling pitifully down at me. "Yes, we'll keep the door open for you and your friends."

The doctor left with the clip board of (what I thought would be doom) rainbows and bear decorated caramel latte with soy milk and extra sugar. I jumped up and raced to the room the doctor had told me Yoongi was in.

Sure enough, the door was wide open and my future laid itself in that room. I took a deep breath before walking in, unaware of what I was about to see.

My spirit and broken again at the sight of a man in the hospital bed, wrapped up like a mummy in doctor who. I sat down in the chair next to the bed, my eyes not taking themselves away from Yoongi.

"What have you gotten yourself into minty head?"

Short chapter but I may add more later, just wanted to give you guys a lil something now that I'm out of school.

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