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"Why did you leave me all alone?" I quoted one of their songs, hiding my face in the midst of his winter jackets.

I felt Yoongi freeze in his place, silent and unsure what to do, like I did the unexpected. This is all I wanted. "R-Rory..." His voice was hoarse and low. A smile spread across my pale features, my heart pumping when hearing my foreign name by his voice.

Forget being submissive and letting Yoongi have his space, I needed him and he needs to know that. He needs to know that I love him, and only him. His hands hesitantly placed themselves onto my shoulders, ready to push my frame away gently. This made Jimin step forward. "Don't touch her-"

"It's okay Jimin, I can take it from here...thank you for taking care of me." I backed from Yoongi and smiled at Jimin, reassuring him and his constant worry he has over me. Jimin looked at me, his eyes full of concern. "But Rory..."

"I'm going to be fine Jimin."

He softly shook his head and gave Yoongi the meanest look I've ever seen that boy give. "You better treat her like your entire world, or I will." He said lowly before exiting our apartment.

His statement left me a little unbalanced, what did he mean, or I will?

"I knew I couldn't trust that shit." I heard Yoongi chuckle under his breath. I turned around and raised my eyebrow, "Really?" His eyes finally met mine, soon regretting even commenting on Jimin's words. "Rory, I'm sorry."

I let out a small laugh, "You're sorry? I'm sorry too, I thought you would've been more mature about everything. I thought you would've had more trust in me." My arms crossed, the feeling in my weak legs about to give up on me. "Can you really blame me? Seeing you all cuddly with my best friend while I'm in some coma?"

"A hug is now a cuddly gesture? A friendly hug from him is what I needed to have when severely missing you. I felt like if you died, I would die. And when you ignored me like a piece of trash, I started to think it would be better if I died instead. Jimin was the only one to really see that and act upon it." My eyes started to blur his figure in the barely lit room from the water building up in my vision.

"Who the hell knows what kind of thoughts Jimin had!?" Yoongi raised his voice, making me flinch slightly. "He just cared for me, as a friend..." I replied softly.

Yoongi scoffed, "Caring for you, please, he just wanted you to care for him so he could get into your pants."

I shook my head and looked at him, "Is that what you did?" I said softly, tears now streaming down my cheeks. "In the beginning, care for me till I cared for you just so you could get in my pants? Is that why you couldn't propose? So you could keep me around as some property? Congratulations Yoongi, you got what you wanted."

Yoongi shook his head, quickly intertwining our fingers. "Don't think like that-" I removed my hand from his and backed up. We both remained quiet, my eyes rested on the floor. "What should I think?" I whispered after a while.

"I love you Rory...I need you to know that right now." I felt myself melt into his gaze as he cupped the side of my face. The butterflies came fluttering back. He was a sickness I never wanted to cure. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I didn't want to leave this moment where everything felt normal. "I love you too Min Yoongi."

He rested his forehead against mine in relief, giving a smile. I opened my eyes and placed my hand on his chest. "But I need time to think...without you ignoring me or being in a coma." I gently backed away but he grabbed my wrist. "I'm yours. No matter if you're mine." He said before letting me go.

Smiling softly at him, I turned and grabbed my coat. I left our apartment around 8 o'clock to lead myself to somewhere I only knew.

My phone started to ring in my pocket as I walked down to the parking lot of our building. "Hello?"

"Rory, are you okay?! I've been calling you for the past half hour and you weren't answering!" I could hear Jimin's voice of panic on the other side of the call. "Jimin, I'm fine, we talked."

"Does that mean you guys are good?" He questioned, I chuckled, "You could say that, but I can't have you constantly worrying over me..." I sighed out, my warm breath creating fog as I spoke.

"Rory, I-I can't help it.." He replies softly, sounding troubled. "Are you and Yoongi good or not? I need to know." Jimin added, rushed. My eyebrows furrowed together but I answered truthfully.

"I'm having time to think about it at the moment, why Jimin?" My legs got weaker and weaker so I decided to sit down on the edge of the sidewalk in the parking lot. "I need to know before I tell you this." He said gently waiting for my response.

I raised an eyebrow, "Tell me what Jimin? Is everything okay?" My vision was starting to get brighter, a sign that I was about to pass out. I decided to go ahead and lay down, I didn't want to pass out and crack my head on the cold concrete.

"Rory, I love you." Jimin finally said, making me alert by his sentence and the ones that he started to say after, but followed by my lack of vision, my hearing started to have a tunnel effect. "I-I..Jimin-I can't h-hear y-" And there I passed out on the concrete, cold and alone.


Hopefully she won't get kidnapped by some killer and put in a game ;-) jk but I've fallen into the outcast hole yay me.

Anyways - I'm really curious what you guys think :-) plus I love talking with you guys so feel free to DM me. <3

What do you guys imagine Rory looking like? Celebrity/Features/Ect. I have an idea of what I think she looks like but I'm interested in seeing how you guys see her.

Roongi or Rimin? LmAO even though I already know what's about to go down. Plot twist, imma finish with Yoonmin instead

^Is there any confusions going with the storyline? Anything I need to clear up. Constructive criticism is amazing :)

And if you guys want to ask me questions, I'm open to those :)


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