Unbreakable Heart

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Her past and her present, mixing together as one. Her scars that she bears from the past until now have driven her life. She met one after the other, never thinking it would change but it did and it hurt.

Every time another walks up, she patches up her heart and starts a new chapter. They talk at first and get closer as the months go by. But it never fails.. The emotions that build up inside her heart make her think that each one is the person she will love forever. Then one day comes and the feelings are gone. Nothing but an empty void inside that can no longer be filled.

They start to grow apart and her heart starts to crack. As the months go by and each person leaves, her heart breaks again and again. She picks up the pieces and patches her heart up once again. She vows to no longer love so her heart can become unbreakable.

She one day meets this broken dark soul who has gone through so much pain that they hide it well. She sees his personality as humorous and dark but sees the good he also encompasses. A few months went by and her heart began to feel for this soul. But she remembered all the times of heartache, times of crying, and the times of darkness she had to endure and overcome. She then also remembered the time where she had to pick up her heart and patch it up time after time. She didn't want this feeling for him, nor did she want to hurt him. So she did the only thing she could do, she took this feeling and suppressed it.

Almost a year went by where they talked like friends and joked with everyone. But the barrier that had held the feelings for so long had broken and her heart began to feel again. She longs to tell him and be near him but knows they will both get hurt. Her heart aches with every moment she's near him but knows that this is just temporary just like all the others. So she stands on the sidelines and watches as this soul lives, while her soul holds her heart that she longed to remain unbreakable.

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