I'm Through..

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Why am I like this?
Why do I even try..
No matter how happy I try to make you,
Still I fall and cry.
I thought I could help
I thought I could be there for you,
But as I can see now
My help didn't even get through.
So whats the point
Of trying to help,
Someone whose in darkness
When they dont even yelp.
You are my friend
And I do care for you,
But my heart says other wise
It tells me that I'm through.
Through of the pain
Through of the tears,
Through of heartache
That I've felt for years.
I'd never thought I'd meet
Someone as nice as you,
But my heart has deceived me
Because I fell for you.
I fell for you a year ago
I fell for you now,
But no matter how much is suppressed
It comes back somehow.
How can I fight
This battle I'm in,
When my heart keeps telling me
I won't be able to win..
So for now I keep trying
To keep my mind off of you,
Because if I don't I know
My mind will be gone soon....

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