Not Anymore!

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Through the years that I've lived
I've let me emotions get the better of me,
For too long they were stained with darkness that thrived
To bring my world to a crumbling hault.
Depression seemed to creep up at unexpected moments
While anxiety had me in a tight, breathless grip,
Heartache from "friends" that never bothered with me
And headaches from stress that kept a painful grip.
For too long they kept me tied down
In a corner with no light nor companions,
They kept me secluded so my heart couldn't be found

But not anymore...

I will no longer remain in this dreadful darkness
Surrounded by these monsters I call friends,
My soul belongs in the light with happiness
Where my emotions are at bay and my smile never ends.
Not anymore will I live with hurt or fear
Nor will my depression smite me down,
I will live my life with close friends and hear
The noise my heart makes that's so beautiful in sound.
I'm tired of making everyone happy
While trying to be everyone's friend,
If you like me great, if you don't I'm still happy
But I will not let you become my end.
Not anymore will I live for you
Not anymore will I live for others,
My life is my own and it will stay that way
God created me as one of kind...not like any other!

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