The Angelic Demon

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In this world of chaos, there are people who are seen as angels and as demons.

Angels are seen for the good they do and bring peace to people in pain. They help those in need and live in the light. Their hearts are full of love and souls are pure.

There are people who are seen as demons for they inflict pain onto others and make their lives hell. Beings who live in the darkness, will never know peace and never see true light. They encompass no soul and hearts are made of shards where once was flesh.

Then there are beings that are a mixture of the two. These beings are angelic demons. They are a mixture between demons and angels themselves.

These beings are born of Angel and of Demon. They have a constant war raging inside them. Their souls are a mixture of light and of dark. Purity and evil. These beings are different from everyone else. They encompass the will to do good and allow people to be happy but also bring those same people darkness and cause them to become distraught. People are drawn to them by their aura but are frightened by their features. They are easily broken but are strong in the outcome of battles. These beings are not of this world and live isolated from most people.

However, there is an instance where two of these angelic demons will cross paths and find happiness in each other's company. They will feel whole and one with the humans. Their flaws covered with the other. For a while, they will no longer feel half demon and half angel. But even though they bring happiness and light, they eventually will bring pain and darkness to each other. They were created to fill the void that was inside one another, but the darkness that encompassed them would soon destroy the other. They would have no choice. They would have to separate and leave one another to keep the other from falling apart.

For you see, angelic demons will cause happiness and chaos to everyone they meet. But it takes a special person to endure their pain to see the purity they have to offer. It may be a human or another angelic demon, but until they find this person, they are alone. Living forever with the soul of an Angel and a Demon.

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