My Darkest Part

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This darkness I seek, it flows all around me.

I wait for it to clutch me and never let me go.

I allow it to fill me as we become one.

Because there's not an ounce of light that can save my soul.

I have been broken many times of more than I can count

Yet I always find the pieces to put back together.

I thought you could be the glue that I longed for

Yet nothing seemed to work for nothing mattered.

I opened myself to be vulnerable to the world

For I thought you were the light I was seeking.

But you were just a wish I longed to have

But ended up turning and breaking me.

I thought it was you who killed me at first

But it was really me who was slowly decaying.

I jumped to conclusions and thought you deserved better

And couldn't behold the beauty that I was seeing.

I kept my darkness in my sight

And made you into something you weren't.

For that was my fault and my fault alone

But it is mine and mine alone to bear this hurt.

In the end, no matter how true it may be

I will be the death of you in any way you see.

I have loved with all my heart that I cannot deny

Even if now it seems like I have broken everything.

For I see my faults and won't deny them

But soon they will fly down like fire and lightning.

For I fear with my actions, I have caused us to end

For you loved a soul-less angel as I fell for a soulful demon.

The Darkness of LifeWhere stories live. Discover now