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   The De Angelo's house is very big, bright, full of green plants. When you come in you think it might be a Hufflepuffs home but its a Slytherins home. Being in a wizardy house is really amazing. There is magic everywhere. The dishwasher cleaning itself, actually everything cleaning itself.

-"Home sweet home!" Aiko says.

"Your house, its, amazing!"

-"Oh this is a nice small place to live in."

"Small? You're kidding me?! It's beautiful! My parents. They could never afford something like this!"

-"Oh, well, welcome to my happy house!"

Three days have past and Aiko asked me about muggle authors like Edgar Allen Poe, Dr. Seuss. Apperantly Aiko loves reading muggle books.

-"Marry Christmas!" Aiko yelled running down tge stairs.

-"Marry Christmas honey!" Mrs. De Angelo Said while hugging her.

-"Marry Christmas to you too JC!"

Later that day Malfoy and his parents came for dinner.

Aiko, Malfoy and I were outside in the snow playing.

"Hey guys." I say.

Malfoy and Aiko stop throwing snow.

-"Yeah?" They both say.

"I've been having these I guess you can say nightmares. Theres a kid and a man together. The girl is me. The man looks like professor Snape. The hair, the dark clothing..."

-"Have you seen his face?" Malfoy says.


-"Then it's fake."

"How is this fake? Also at the end of every dream he says 'Obliviate'."

Theres footsteps walking toward the house we turn to see Snape. The white snow blending with his dark clothes. Aiko and Malfoy stare at each other then smile.

-"Merry Christmas kids!" Snape says staring at me.

We had dinner and opened presents and that was my Christmas with my best friends.

After Christmas, first year passed by so fast I can't believe it. Hoogwarts is my home and will always be.


"Mum, Dad! I'm leaving to the train station! See you during Christmas! I wont forget to owl post you! Love you!"

Im so happy I can go finally back to Hogwarts and see my bestfriends! I did go to London to get her  some muggle things she wanted but still I miss her. 9 3/4 here I go again!

(/^▽^)/ (/^▽^)/ (/^▽^)/

-"So how many more 'nightmares' have you had? Malfoy asks.

"Quite a few. All of them end with the same thing."

-"Well we might aswell find out what this is all about!" Aiko says.

We arrived to Hogwarts. I wish I could be sitting with Aiko but its the first day and we will be having special guests because we're having a Triwizard Tournament, just like the Olympics.

Dumbledore introduced the Beauxbatons which is a school with very pretty girls. And then Drumstrang which was all full of guys. Everyone was clapping and cheering. All I could do was stare at the potions book Snape had given me my 1st year.

-"Only 17 years and older can join the Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore says and after everyone yells and gets up and yell some things like 'its not fair' and such. Honestly i couldn't care less what they said.

Going to the dormitories my book fell. I get down to pick it up and I bump my head with a pair of green eyes and ginger hair that reached for my book.

( ˘ ³˘)♥
Thank you very much to all thesr people reading my story! Thank you very much!! I can't belive I have people actually reading my story! Once again thank you!!! (╯3╰)❤
Also I did a double upload because _Scorpio_girl14 was all over my messages telling me to update again. Love you! Anyway new characters and better quality comming up! I'm sorry I kinda rushed through it but I promise I'll give better quality! Thake care every one!

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