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My one and only daughter had been in the hospital wing for 4 weeks and all I could do is kept feeding her potions and relaxing her body. She kept getting constant seizures the only way to help her was wrapping her.

After Aiko's insident and Potter wabbling around saying the Dark Lord was back everything made sense. In the hospital wing I pulled my sleeve up to show them it was true. Out of the sudden my heart felt a soft relieve. I turn my eyes to Jarvey Cassidy. She was struggling to open her eyes. All I wanted to do was run and hug her, say how much I love her.  It was not the time yet.

The doors swung open. Aiko had experinced the Dark Lord presence with Potter. She had a dream about it. But she lied. She said she came to see JC.


Everything was dark. The only difference is that now I could hear, smell, and feel. The air smelled like vomit, wet dog and sweat with a mixtire of potions. I could hear whispers of people mumbling something. I opened my eyes slowly and it was dark and blurry. I try to push myself up but my waist hurt like I needed to cut them off. I was wrapped in some dirty white cloth. I kicked and pulled.  The light kept blinding my eyes and the harder I tried my eyes kept getting shut. Once I finally opened my eyes to see clear I saw Professor Snape push up his black sleeve. The Death Eater mark was in his left hand. It looked alive. It was moving like it wanted to explode. Then the door swung open.

-"De Angelo what are you doing here?"

Once Snape hears Aiko's voice he rolls down his sleeve.

-"I came to see JC sir."

The smell of dog kept getting stronger and stronger. Then Aiko yells Harry. I roll my eyes to see where she had ran to. There was a black, ugly dog. I hated dogs ever since one bit me when I was little. Since then I can't even look at them.

-"Are you okay?"

-"Yeah, Aiko have you been crying?"

-"I fainted yesterday in the tournament."

-"Cedric Diggory is dead."

The words that have been exchanged between them made me feel an inpulse in my chest. I had finally pulled the sheets off my body. The dog smell had grown. I needed to throw up again.

"What is that dog doing here?" I yell making Aiko turn fast with a smile and let go of Potter.

-"JC!!" She yells while squeezing me as hard as a snake wraps around their prey.

"Hey Aiko!" I say trying to breathe.

-"How long have you been awake?" she says while she kept sqeezing the prey.

"Since Dumbledore was here." I say back at her. This time the squeeze became lose.

-"You scared us all!" she says pulling away. She had tears rolling down her face. My comma had lasted about 3 weeks. What would of happened if I hadn't woken up after today. Today was one of the last days of Hogwarts.

My chest suddenly made another impulse. I turned to my right side and let everything go. My chest, my stomach, and my head felt like exploding. After a while expelling everything I felt better.

-"Are you okay?"

"Im fine now." I say smiling at her. Then she smiled back and cleaned my mess up with a spell.

Good bye 3rd year at Hogwarts. It was nice while it lasted.


Everything was packed ready to go. In the train Malfoy, Aiko and I sat together. The whole ride I kept remebering the strange dreams that kept repeating over and over while I was on a comma. Then Snape showing his mark. That meant everything was going to become darker from now on.

Aiko would be staying in my muggle home for a full week. Aiko and I went to change she had put on a black dress and I had some blue jeans with a black sweater.

Once we had arrived to the train station Aiko, Malfoy and I exchanged goobyes

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Once we had arrived to the train station Aiko, Malfoy and I exchanged goobyes.

The De Angelos were here leaving some clean stuff for Aiko. She looked so happy. Then she turned another way.

-"I'll be back." she said making her was to Potter and his neckless muggle. She kissed Potter and made her way back.

My parents were waiting out these walls. These walls were the only thing I felt safe in. Now it was time to face my muggle reality.


Im so sorry for a very short update. I will be updating tomorrow and I promise its only getting better!.

Thank you for keeping up with my story. I really appreciate it!! ❤

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