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Yesterday, Aiko looked very upset about something but right when we got in the castle she ignored everyone and left. Draco left for practice and I stayed alone all day yesterday without meeting with Dane.

I was in the library reading a book, like always, then someone sat right across from me. I just glanced a little from my book to see the intruder. No other than Aiko.

-"Can you believe it? She is Forbbiding all students organizations including Quiddich team?? They only need ro meet once a week just after her approval? This is unbelievable!"

I looked up once again and rolled my eyes at the news she just had said. "I hate that woman!" I whisper.

-"Don't we all?" she answered.

"I guess Rodger Davies our Quiddich captain will have to get our approval" I say finally looking at her. But she only gave a small smile.

"So Aiko why have I not seen you around Harry since yesterday? After Hogsmade it's like you're ignoring him, is that it?" I say letting my book down.

-"Just a little misunderstanding between us at the moment." she said as her eye color changed giving away her lie. I nodded and grabbed my book again to keep reading. I wasn't going to make her tell me the truth.


The day went by going to all classes, meeting Neville in herbology, now I was in Muggle Art. We were sitting on a circle telling everyone why we joined muggle art. First a Ravenclaw girl that is 2 years older named Marietta with curly, reddish-blonde hair. She stroked through one of her curls starring at Dane.

-"I just think Muggles are interesting in general. They are humans just like us but without powers. What they do have is really good art so here I am." she said with the most annoying girl voice ever. I looked over Dane who was smiling at her. My body felt like it was boilimg inside and my cheat hurt like it just had been stepped on. Was it jealousy?

-"What about you JC? Why are you here?" Marietta says smiling my way. I look at her and I could see her moving from Dane to me with her eyes. I look at Dane and be was already starring at me.

"Well before I met my father Snape. I lived with a Muggle family, the Jacksons. I pretty much grew up as a muggle. I was always into art when I went to primary school. It has always been my passion." I say  looking at Marietta who was looking at Dane with some obviously in love face. I glance to see Dane and he just smiled at her and turned to me. I was mad at him. I stood up and went to get my stuff.

-"We will continue this tomorrow!" i can hear the professor yelling as everyone leaves.

I was walking as fast as I could to the Great Hall.

-"JC! JC!! Jarvey Cassidy Snape!" I stop once i hear all my name. Dane Was running and stopped infront of me.

-"Whats wrong?" he says grabbing both of my hands.

The feeling in my stomach 2as beautiful but my chest really was hurting. I yanked my hands off his and kept walking.

-"I will see you at the game! Slytherin vs Gryffindor! I will be looking at you instead of the game!" he yells as I finally enter the Great Hall. Aiko, Draco and Goyle were already sitting there. I sat next to Draco who was sitting across from Aiko, Aiko giving Gryffindor table the back once again. I looked up and Dane was there sitting starring at me once again. This boy is never going to give up even if I'm mad at him. I look imediatley down and we spend dinner laughing at random things that were going on. Then a cream color tulip came across floating. Another mysterious flower to the mysterious Aiko. She smiled as she finished reading the note that was attached to it.

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